
Tess's Home Page

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My name is Tessie , but to my Cyber friends I am Tess. I live in Lawrenceville, Georgia, with my husband Steve, four cats O’Leary, Taylor, Puppy Cat, and Miss Maggie Mae and my Old English sheepdog Muttley who always wakes me up at 3:30 every morning. I have four grown sons: David 34, who is married to Lori; they have 2 children Kristin and Kyle. My second son, Todd 33, is married to Sandi and has two children; Alex and Taylor. My third son, William 30, is married to Barbara and they have 2 children, Amanda and Phillip. My fourth son, Eric 25 is single and his girl friend ‘s name is Amy. I was thin as a child and teenager, but after I got pregnant with my first son I had a weight problem. I have had one ever since. Some of my interests are reading, riding my stationary bike (although it doesn't seem to be helping with weight loss), my kitties and last but not least going to all the home games for the Atlanta Falcons. I love football and hubby (Steve) always teases me and says he has created a football monster because I watch it more than he does, so I guess that makes him a football widower. I also love chatting with my friends on Debbie’s Weight Loss World. Without their help and support, I would have probably thrown in the towel by now. I hope you will all enjoy reading my autobiography and looking at the accompanying pictures. Also, I have included some pictures of my son’s Todd and Eric’s art work. They do murals for companies in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Eric has also been the Virginia Beach Boardwalk Art Show for the past three years. Please feel free to look at my other friends’ web pages.

Be sure to wait around till the cube loads!

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light_bullet2 WeightWatchers forum

light_bullet2 Debbie's Weight Loss World

light_bullet2 Cat Stuff

light_bullet2 Friends Links

light_bullet2 Tess Picture Page

light_bullet2 Tess Son's Paintings Pages

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