Dear guests, Here are listed websites where i partisipate as a contestant.Please visit those sites,and if you like me more then other models, vote for me:-) we will win!:-))
you can get involved in choosing Lee Cooper's Millenium Star - ME:-).When you vote you participate in random prize draw-can win a voucher for buying Lee Coopers stuff:-)GUYS I have a chance to be chosen for Lee Cooper's advertising campaigns.I BADLY WANT IT :-)
Here I am for being crowned as a Miss Milenium for December.When we get this there will be a nifty calendar webpage formatting for me !And YOU will be able to print it as many times as you want :-)
I am already second there!Please send link to everybody who you know and lets take the first place !Everyday counts:-)And every vote course you can vote only once!
Click-n-vote voting ends up in 14 days!
One vote per day per e-mail! If you have different e-mails you can vote more then one time a day :-)!!! also please take your time and send this as a link to vote for your friends:-)Thank you !
1 of december the voting starts!The prize is realy nice - prof. webpage.Thank you for clicking and voting for me!
New one.My photo is number five.Hope you will find it more artistic then others:-( Thank you for voting:-)