Welcome to "theMISCH" web page

  This page is under "heavy" construction ... ..................................................and slowly updated. (Sunday, January 20, 2002)

Latest Picture  (Saturday, January 19, 2002)

My pride and joy a  1982 Honda Custom 900 . Right now it is sitting in the carport and suffering in this weather. I usually only ride in the summer. So far it is only raining .

 Motorcycle Show 2002  Some New Pictures More (old) pictures         Page 2     Page 3    Page 4   Page 5   Page 6   Page 7

 Robin received a gift from his cousin from a local radio station.  This gift was a trip on an airplane for two hours along with the people that do the traffic control. I went along as Robin's guest and took pictures from the plane.   This page may be slow loading.

My favorite hobby is "Aquazone" the virtual aquarium. I got it as a christmas present in 1999 and I have been taking care of my fish since then. Have a look at some screen shots of my tanks. Another  Aquazone site is at Aquazone the Legacy ,AQUAZONE BLUES

Hi.  I am Wendy.  I love that motorcycle. I enjoy riding on it very much.  I am very relaxed on the back.  Unless, of course, Michael scares the you know what out of me. But generally speaking he is a very careful, safe and considerate driver.  I am mom to our son Robin.  He is l9.  I enjoy being a mom.  It is my favorite job. I enjoy him very much.  I am also a Special Education Teacher Assistant.  I work with kids that have severe learning disabilities, severe behaviour problems, ADHD and children that just need that little bit of extra help.  I like to make the children's day a happy one if I can. Successes move slowly but I am proud of whatever success they make as they work hard at trying to achieve.
I am not there to judge them.  Just there to try and make learning easier for them.

 My favorite camera spots

2-Berlin-Snafu--Great Camera Position
SFB Sender Freies Berlin
New York
Simon Fraser University

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