Title: Comforting the "Comfort Women"
-- Is healing in old age possible from military sex slavery?
Author: Kai-Ming Lee, A.C.S.W.
Many Asian women suffered as wartime sex slaves under the imperial Japanese forces. Aside from the legal and historical aspects of the tragedy which began to receive more attention recently, discussion on psycho-social interventions for the victims have been extremely limited.
Small group was designed for ex-comfort women, aged around 75, from Taipei area. Six elders attended the overnight activity which was aimed to facilitate grief related emotions, mutual sharing and support with the hope that the need to heal from early brutal violent experience against body and sense of self could be attended. Through body work, life review and ritual arrangement, participants were able to relax and trust, have body contact with one another, express feelings of anger, hatred, shame, guilt and sadness, and start recognizing own inner strength.
Group process and observations will be presented to support such empowering experience which attempted to move elders from victims to survivors of major life trauma.