Welcome to
Depressed Anonymous
of  Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA!

Hi!  We're glad you have landed at Bowling Green, Kentucky's Depressed Anonymous website!

We are a self-help, mutual-aid group called Depressed Anonymous.  DA is a 12 Step program that helps people struggling with depression to generate new positive energies, form networks of friendship and support, and give each other the strength to live each day with hope.  At DA, we learn from each other and share our experiences with others who have also battled depression.  Together, we are winning the fight against depression!

Due to popular demand, there are now two meetings for Depressed Anonymous of Bowling Green.  The newest DA group is held every Thursday (not including holidays), from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm Central Time at the ALIVE Center, 1818 US Highway 31W, on the 31W Bypass.  For further information on the Thur meetings, contact Christine via livelongandprosper2000@yahoo.com or phone her after 7pm central time at (270)535-2919.  This group eats afterwards and currently lunches at Wendys on the bypass closest to the Alive Center.

The other group is Tuesdays (including holidays) from 6:20 pm to 7:30 pm Central Time at the Broadway United Methodist Church , 1323 Melrose St (not on Broadway).  Announcements begin at 6:20 with the main meeting starting at 6:30.  For more info on the Tue meetings, contact Katherine at KeLane14@aol.com or call her at (270)782-7150.  Tue members also eat out afterwards at a favorite restaurant; even those not hungry can join in on the fun and good chat. 

Please come back and see us. Thank you.

For general info about DA in Bowling Green, email us at  bwgda@hotmail.com

  Additional DA Sites on the Web

DA literature available for online purchase
DA elist
  Other Depression/Mental Illness/Mental Health Sites

Western Kentucky University Counseling Center
WKU Student Disability Services (makes accommodations for physically and/or mentally challenged students)

Mental Health America (MHA, formerly National Mental Health Association)
Mental Health America of Kentucky (affiliate of MHA)
Mental Health America of Northern Kentucky (affiliate of MHA)

National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association

National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)
NAMI Kentucky (links to local affiliates)
NAMI-Bowling Green (including NAMI-Bowling Green support meetings)

Families for Depression Awareness
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
Patty Duke's Blog
Joy's pages about bipolar disorder (manic depression)[Was excellent site, but now dead link, would appreciate updated info]
Winds of Change (online manic depression support page)
Dr. Ivan's Depression Central
FAQ for alt.support.depression newsgroup
Mary Ellen Copeland's self-help strategies for dealing with depression
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA)
Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation
Clutterers Anonymous
Messies Anonymous
Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association
The Shyness, Social Anxiety and Social Phobia Forum
drkoop.com (general medical site by Dr. C. Everett Koop)
Mental Health InfoSource
Discovery Health.com
True Hope
Psych laws

Depression related Daily News editorial
Depression related Daily News article
  Mental Retardation Links
  [Mental Retardation vs Mental Illness]

American Association on Mental Retardation

  Bowling Green Links

Broadway United Methodist Church (location of Tue meetings for DA)
Alive Center of Bowling Green (location of Thur meetings for DA)
Daily News (Bowling Green's newspaper)
City of Bowling Green (government site)
Bowling Green-Warren County Regional Airport
WBKO-TV (Bowling Green's ABC affiliate tv station)
WNKY-TV (Bowling Green's NBC affiliate tv station)
Virtual Bowling Green

Please come back and visit us soon.

Page updated 4/13/08

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