

Dr. Robert L. Hulbert, D.C.
Palmer Graduate


WE offer FREE Community Health Presentations on:


Health and Stress

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Balancing Your Hormones Naturally - A Solution to PMS and Menopause


A Natural Approach to Treating A.D.D. and Hyperactivity in Children


Pressure Point Therapy


Stress Free Sitting


Enhancing Athletic Performance


Back Safety and Injury Prevention


The 6 Ways to Treat, Promote and Improve Human Health


These Health Presentations are given in our office
and at any local business, non-profit and
women's organization, church, school or hall.

Please contact us for schedule information.


"We Help You Achieve Total Wellness, Naturally!"

8343 Folsom Blvd., Suite 100
Sacramento, California  95826
(916)387-1007 ~ Fax (916)387-9843

E-mail us at:

