Meningioma, thoracic spine | 腦膜瘤,胸椎 |
Meningioma, thoracic spine | 腦膜瘤,胸椎 |
Enchondroma, thoracic spine | 軟骨瘤,胸椎 |
Neurilemoma, lumbar spine | 神經纖維瘤,腰椎 |
Neurilemoma , undiagnosed by CT | 腰椎腫瘤,未診斷出 |
Metastasis, T2, like myofascia pain | 轉移性腫瘤,胸椎,類似肌腱炎 |
Metastasis, c6 with collapse | 轉移性腫瘤,頸椎 |
Intraspinal epidural cyst | 脊椎內囊種 |
Extradural Arachnoid Cyst, lumbar | 脊椎蜘蛛網膜囊腫 |
Tarlov sacral cyst | 薦椎神經鞘囊種 |
Cauda equina hemangioma | 馬尾的血管瘤 |
Lipo-myelo-meningocele | 脂肪瘤並脊髓膨出 |
C1 subdural hematoma | 頸椎第一節硬腦膜下血腫 |
Epidural hematoma, spine | 脊椎之硬腦膜外出血 |
Subdural hematoma, lumbar spine | 腰椎之硬腦膜下出血 |
C1 fracture | 頸椎第一節骨折 |
C1 fracture (Jefferson) | 頸椎第一節骨折 |
Odontoid fracture, trans-articular screws | 頸椎第二節骨折,螺絲固定 |
C2 Odontoid fracture dislocation | 頸椎第二節骨折,併脫臼 |
C2 Odontoid fracture dislocation, delayed | 頸椎第二節骨折,往前時才脫位 |
C12 dislocation without fracture in Mongolism | 頸椎第二節脫位,蒙古症 |
C2 Hangman fracture | 吊頸樣第二頸椎骨折 |
Atypical Hangman's fracture treated by Caspar | 外科治療非典型吊頸樣骨折 |
C34 old fracture with angulation | 第三四頸椎陳舊性骨折脫位 |
C56 facet lock and HIVD | 第五六頸椎,側關節脫位卡住及椎間盤突出 |
Pilar fracture with C56 dislocation | 第五六頸椎脫位 |
C6 spinous process fracture | 頸椎傷害,脊突骨折 |
Cord injury, OPLL | 頸椎脊髓傷害 |
Cervical spine injury with dysphagia | 頸椎傷害造成吞嚥困難 |
Syringomyelia, post-traumatic | 頸椎傷害造成脊髓空洞 |
C2 Odontoid fracture, undiagnosed | 頸椎第二節骨折,未診斷出 |
C67 dislocation missed by CT | 第五六頸椎脫位,CT 未診斷出 |
C56 dislocation on flexion view | 第五六頸椎脫位,頸部曲屈時 |
C6 bursting fracture, missed | 頸椎傷害,誤為胸椎傷害 |
T spine dislocation in cervical cord injury | 頸椎傷害及胸椎脫位 |
HIVD, cervical, radiculopathy | 椎間盤突出,頸椎,神經根症狀 |
HIVD, cervical, sequestrated | 椎間盤突出,頸椎,破裂 |
HIVD, cervical , mulitple level | 椎間盤突出,頸椎,多節 |
OPLL | 脊椎後縱韌帶骨化 |
Osteomyelitis, Cervical spine | 頸椎的骨髓炎 |
Discitis with epidural abscess | 頸椎的硬腦膜外膿瘍 |
Epidural abscess, thoracic spine | 胸椎的硬腦膜外膿瘍 |
Epidural abscess, lumbar spine | 腰椎的硬腦膜外膿瘍 |
Osteomyelitis, lumbar spine | 腰椎的骨髓炎 |
AVM, Thoracic spinal cord | 脊髓的動靜脈畸形 |
Pancoat's tumor with radiculopathy | 尺骨神經麻痺,肺部腫瘤 |
HIVD L5S1, typical | 典型的腰椎間盤突出 |
High lumbar L23 disc and meralgia | 高位腰椎的椎間盤突出 |
Cauda equina syndrome without sciatica, L5S1 disc | 馬尾症候群,腰椎椎間盤突出 |
HIVD sequestrated, simulating tumor | 類似腫瘤之腰椎椎間盤破裂 |
HIVD sequestrated, simulate spinal tumor | 類似腫瘤之腰椎椎間盤破裂 |
Complication, BOP non-union | 併發症,人工骨未愈合 |
Complication, screw buckle out | 併發症,螺絲突出 |
Complication, Halifax clamp loosening | 併發症,固定夾鬆脫 |
Complication, Collpase of Bovin graft | 併發症,小牛骨塌陷 |