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"Alternative" Medicine, Quackery, Health Fraud
The Other Side of the Coin
Use this URL!

Alert! This is a skeptical and biased website (*)

The fact that this website focuses on
one side of the coin, is an acknowledgement that there is another side which has
been investigated. This website has a definite and conscious bias, which isn't the same thing as a negative "prejudice",
which is defined as "an opinion or leaning adverse to anything without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge."

I see an
informed and conscious bias as something positive & desirable, in contrast to prejudice. If one doesn't have a
bias, one doesn't have an opinion worth defending. I see it as the result of an analysis of the issues, resulting in the
taking of a standpoint more in favor of
one side than of the other side. In other words, I am biased for objective evidence,
and biased
against a lack of such evidence. This naturally results in a bias for Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) and
modern medicine, and a bias
against so-Called "Alternative" Medicine (sCAM). I'm not interested in anything that is just
"so-called". I don't want to base my clinical decisions and my consumer protection efforts on something that is anecdotal,
tenuous, unproven, speculative, and often deceptive.

As a former true believer in so-Called "Alternative" Medicine, even using it to treat terminally ill patients, I have
experience from the "inside". I have seen too many deaths, including among my own family members who were believers
in sCAM, and can no longer close my eyes to this situation.

I am not interested in making all forms of sCAM practices illegal. What I want to see is truth in advertising and no more
false claims of proven effectiveness. The public should understand what it is they are dealing with. What they then do is
their own choice. I simply do not believe that promoters should have the
freedom to deceive their hapless victims. This
"freedom" is what the so-called "Health Freedom" movement is fighting for. On the contrary, I believe in something
entirely different. I believe in
Freedom of Informed Choice.

(*) Now that I've gotten your attention.....;-),
I hope you'll be curious enough to read on. This site is intended to
polarize opinions. Hopefully you'll choose to be a quack-buster, rather than a quack-booster. Neutrality is impossible,
since not to choose is itself a choice. Choose to be an active consumer protector by joining, and learning from, the
Healthfraud Discussion List.



•  Introduction
•  Anti-Quackery & Scientific Resources
•  Consumer Protection Issues in Healthcare
•  Dubious Practices & False Ideas
•  Quacks, Fanatics, Cults, Conspiracies, Paranoia
•  Web Rings & Linking
•  Mixed Nuts

N = New addition
Key: R = Recently Revised
          S = Special feature



English Introduction - (must reading BEFORE using this website!)
Grand Design for this Website
•  Idea Bank: Future Plans
•  Important Notice: Contact Information, Disclaimer, Viewing problems
How To Surf This Site


•  Anti-Quackery Resources & Web Rings (soon to be revised)  S  SPECIAL FEATURE
    Anti-Quackery Web Rings
    Special Mention Sites
    Quackbuster Resources
    Cross-Link Sites
    Anti-Quackery Links
    Individual Pages & Articles
    Other Good Links

Quackwatch Sites and Affiliates S
Useful Medical Resources
Dr. Renckens Quackiness Scoring System - C. N. M. Renckens, MD



A Consumer Advocate's Dilemma: Should CAM be Researched?S
Is Complementary & Alternative Medicine a UFO?
•  so-Called "Alternative" Medicine (sCAM): The sCAM CommitmentS
Complementary & Alternative Medicine COSTs!!
•  Weil's Non Science-Based "Medicine"
•  "Alternative" Physical Therapy?
•  Freedom of Informed Choice
•  Effectiveness & Evidence: The Cornerstones of Modern Medicine
•  The Nature of Anecdotes
•  Belief vs. Science? Cooperation Between Believers & Skeptics
•  Karl Popper's Falsification Principle
•  The Purpose of the Healthfraud Discussion List1   2   3   4

Guest Authors

Tourists in Altmedland - JeanneE Hand-Boniakowski
Anti-Aging Fraud Senate testimony - Robert S. Baratz, MD, PhD, DDS
Why We Are Here - Robert S. Baratz, MD, PhD, DDS
White House Anti-Science Commission (WHCCAMP)
Cancer Survival & Alternative Medicine S
Hardin Jones and Cancer - Dr. Peter Moran
Death by Medicine - Harriet A. Hall, MD
Rules for Debating with "Alt-med" Believers - James R. Laidler, MD
The Null Hypothesis - James R. Laidler, MD
Why Do Americans Believe They Have Poor Health? - James R. Laidler, MD
The Value of Testimonials - James R. Laidler, MD
Coffee Enemas - A Latte Nonsense - Harriet A. Hall, MD
Columbia University and MoreBucks Celebrate Government Research Grant - Edward Murray
Mad Cow Disease and Relative Risk - Robert Imrie, DVM
Listening to Rocks - Julian Taber, PhD
What is "Transformational Healing"?
Can there not be balance? - with comments by Bruce Scott

Do you have an article for me? Read this and then contact me.




ChiroLinks: Chiropractic Resources, Articles & LinksS  SPECIAL FEATURE!
ChiroQuotesWhat is "Real" Chiropractic?No justification for the existence of chiropracticS
D.D. Palmer's Religion of Chiropractic - D.D. Palmer, DC  S
Chiropractic Assistants as Whistleblowers: An Invitation to Activism
•  Chiropractic Assistant (CA): Resources and Links
•  Chiropractic Position Statement & Disclaimer
•  Manipulation "to correct a subluxation"  (Discussion at CANOE)
•  H.L. Mencken on Chiropractic - H.L. Mencken
G. Douglas Andersen, DC - An Exceptional Chiropractor
Letter to a chiropractor regarding Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) - Harriet Hall, MD
"Turf war", my tush! - John Badanes, DC, PharmD
Objective Straight Dentistry (satire on Objective Straight Chiropractic) - "Prometheus"



HomeoLinks: Homeopathy Resources, Articles & LinksS  SPECIAL FEATURE!
The Memory of WaterS
Homeopathic Research - Robert Imrie, DVM,
Jacques Benveniste, HomeoPathetic Number One
•  The Hypothetical Homeopath
•  Homeopathy: All the Idiocy that Fits - Peter Bowditch
What's Up With Homeopathy? - Cecil Adams
Homeopathic Booze?
•  Atoms & Molecules in Homeopathic Drugs - Steve Zeitzew, M.D.
Curing the soul with water - Francois Tremblay
Brief Expositions of Rational Medicine - Jacob Bigelow, M.D.

Thought Field Therapy (TFT)   S SPECIAL FEATURE!


Osteolinks: Osteopathy & Craniosacral Therapy Articles & Links   S  SPECIAL FEATURE!


VaxLinks: Vaccination / Immunization Resources   S  SPECIAL FEATURE!
Anti-Vax Quacks -- The Yurko Travesty
Anti-Vax Quacks -- Yurko & the ICA

The Mercury Amalgam Issue - James Laidler, MD
"Amalgam Disease" & Self-diagnosed "Illness"

Acupuncture (**)
Applied Kinesiology (AK) (**)
Reflexology (Zone Therapy) (**)
Iridology (Iris Diagnosis) (**)
Therapeutic Touch (TT) (**)
Anti-fluoridation (**)
Anti-Vivisectionism (**)
Anti-Science (**)
Doctor bashing (**)
Health Freedom Activism (**)
Disguising the protection & promotion of health fraud, quackery & superstition as consumer freedom.

(**) Nothing posted yet.



Hulda Clark & Tim Bolen

Hulda Clark's Flukey Cult
Homeography: Speech by Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark: Pictures
Hulda Clark's Purple Heart Club Banned
Paranoia on the DrClark list
Hulda's Victims: Hanne
Hulda's "publicist" Tim Bolen
Tim Bolen HUMILIATED in Florida
Bolen the Quack-Booster

B.O.L.E.N. Bull-etin

•  1. 
B.O.L.E.N. Lie Count Increases - "BolenWatch"
•  2. 
B.O.L.E.N. lie count increases , again - "BolenWatch"
•  3. 
B.O.L.E.N. Solicitations - "BolenWatch"
•  4. 
They Call the Wind, Pariah - "BolenWatch"
•  5. 
B.O.L.E.N. Baja Bulldung - "BolenWatch"
•  6. 
B.O.L.E.N. lies, Phillips Case - "BolenWatch"
•  7. 
Deviant Doctor Discipline Determined - "BolenWatch" 
•  8. 
B.O.L.E.N. lies, the word "Alternative" is missin' - "BolenWatch"  
•  9. 
B.O.L.E.N. dwarfed by Suster Revocation - "BolenWatch" 


Parasites Do Exist!
•  Delusions of Intestinal Parasitosis
Bowel Cleansing & Parasites
The Awakening of a Bowel Cleanser
Hypochondriasis / Hypochondria
•  Factitious Disorders
Alex Chiu's Eternal Life Device



Confessions of a Quackbuster S  SPECIAL FEATURE
Son of a Preacher Man: Lyrics to Dusty Springfield's classic song
Treasure Chest of Quotes & Jokes1   2   3   4   5   6 S  SPECIAL FEATURE
Cross-Link Sites
Viewing Problems?
Guestbook Archives1   2   3
Eva Cassidy - legendary singer

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provided the author and the web site are acknowledged and linked to.

                                        Contact Information


                                               Web Rings

                  Membership in a web ring does not necessarily equal endorsement of the subject matter.
                                      While the
first three rings (below) are rings I personally manage,
                             some of the rings that can appear below them are
NOT anti-quackery rings.
         Reasons for membership can be quite varied: site promotion, investigation, resource, contact, etc.

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Oct. 5, 1999 to Mar. 22, 2005:

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