November 30, 1931: White Plains, Westerchester County, New York
May 19, 2005: Xenia, Ohio
2003: Xenia, Ohio
June 30, 1948: Pennsville, Morgan County, Ohio
This poem was written by Allen for his wife:
To Carolyn
It's been thirty-something years that we've Been walking two by two, as the good sage Of Grovers Corners says we're meant. Not always Hand in hand, but never back to back, And not two only. Five kids, five dogs, cats, Rats, and one green lizard stayed awhile.
"Illegitimi non carbornundum" Not a bad motto when daily life grinds on The spirit. You kept our lives on course, Kept ideals in view -- what we were living for.
Five children grown and gone, just visits now, Jut Pip, best of dogs, to share our days. Too quiet? Not likely here at East Wind! That same good Center that kept our home together Helps here, too.
Today a youngish woman called you beautiful. She's right, of course, though I don't say it much. Her beauty, being young, is mostly genes And eathing right, a gift of those who raised her. Yours comes from within.
Friend, lover, partner of my life, I am so very thankful for that bright June day we said our vows at Coal Creek, And thankful we both meant them.