Welcome to Bob and Melody's RSD pages!

I hope that in these pages we are able to help other's in their fight with RSD/CRPS or any other chronic pain condition.  These are accounts of what we ourselves have been through, and only our opinions and viewpoints on how we see the situation. We are not doctors, or nurses, or even in the medical field at all. But since I contracted RSD/CRPS my wife has been diligent about collecting  professional and responsible information about it from whatever source possible. These include the internet, support groups, specialists we've been sent to see and from other RSDers in our area. But the sites we have are to help inform and bring awareness, and in no way to make or presume a diagnosis. They do however include some of my own diagnosises and results thereof from our viewpoints.

I'll start by telling you a little about myself.

I was born in Saskatoon Saskatchewan in 1967, at the city hospital. I met my wife in 1988 under very strange but interesting circumstances and we married in 1989. We have two little redheads, our daughter was born in 1989, and our son born in 1993.
In January of 1998 I was taken off work for several reasons, the pages that follow are an account of what happened in the past year and the major events leading up to the realization that I suffer from a rare disease called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) as it's otherwise called. I write these pages for a few reasons, first is to get this off my chest.. Because somedays it get's too much to handle without some form of release. And with these pages I hope I can give understanding and support to anyone who suffers from any chronic illness. And promote awareness of this little known disease. In January of 1999 I found out that RSD's pain has been compared to cancer, which really surprised me but made me more sympathetic to chronic pain sufferers plight.

I hope you'll take the time to read through and get to know about a disease that anyone can get, and from anything as small as a pinprick and as major as surgery.

You'll also find some links on the following for medical sites on this disease.

Thank you for taking the time to look through my site.


 A look at my rare condition..
by Melody
Bob's diagnosis of RSD and background events..
by Melody
What is RSD (CRPS) and what does it feel like?..
by Melody
 Dealing with RSD (CRPS) and it's symptoms..
by Bob

 Updates page #1
by Bob

 Updates page #2
by Bob 

Updates page #3
by Bob

Updates page #4
by Bob

Updates page #5
By Bob
Updates page #6   
By Bob


For some unknown reason, a friend of mine gave me this award.
But no matter what it was for, I appreciate it!
Thanks LS.

the ~LadyShark~ Wrote:
-Give Bob a message...Wacha mean no matter what it was for?! *L* Cuz you are education us about RSD! You are contributing to bettering the world so there! :oP~

-Hee hee, Thanks Ladyshark, just doing what we think needs to be done, and maybe help others along our horrific road.


Please just click on my picture below to SIGN my guestbook,
I would appreciate input on my page!

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Or please feel free to e-mail me..


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God bless,