silver linings - living with aids logo

"Let me win, but if I cannot win, let me brave in the attempt"
Oath of the Special Olympian

Welcome to "Silver Linings". This page is being redone after a long period of neglect so bear with us while we complete it. We hope it will be an encouragement to both the newly diagnosed as well as long term HIVers. We are living proof that this disease does not have to be the end of the road, even though it puts a helluva fork in in it.

Above - This is our baby Cleo (She's gettin big now!).. We just couldn't do the page without including her.

Left - This photo was taken near sundown on Sandia Mountain. We moved to Albuquerque from

the heat, humidity and polution of Houston. Will was pretty much raised in Texas, but Melodie is an East Coast girl and about one Gulf Coast Summer is all she could handle. We picked up a map and she thought "The Land of Enchantment" sounded like a great place to live, so here we are. :-) We love our new home in New Mexico.

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