"Juger, c'est, de toute évidence, ne pas comprendre, puisque si l'on comprenait, on ne pourrait plus juger"

A.Malraux, Les Conquérants


I was born in Beirut, Lebanon, on 03/17/1981 (this means I'm 18).

I lived for 4 years in Beirut and then moved to France (for 9 years). I'm French-educated and I don't speak Arabic yet, although I've been in Beirut for a few years now... (??)



I love music, it's been 12 years I play the piano and it's really great...! 
I used to listen to rap music a lot (2Pac, Warren G) but now it's rather
Alanis Morissette... I also love Queen (my first cd!) and sure, classical music, too (Debussy, Mozart).



I've been practicing karate since February 99 so I'm still a beginner, but I'm trying to improve a lot. I've got my yellow belt a few months ago but I didn't have the time to practice since then. Wish i'll have the time next semester at AUB!

I used to play tennis a lot when I was younger but now I don't find the time to practice a lot... I'm really lazy! ; )


"Seule est réelle l'ambition dont celui qu'elle possède prend conscience sous forme d'actes à accomplir"

A.Malraux, Les Conquérants



It's my 2nd year here at AUB (Junior Biology), and life on campus is really great, although we have TOO MUCH work!



My "brother" Fady is at AUB in Mechanical Engineering (2nd year) and I met Elena, my best friend, at AUB (she's majoring in Biology too but still doesn't know what to do with herself!!!). You'll find lots of photos of them throughout the website.

I love spending a lot of time with all my friends, although I rarely have the time to do so. If you want to check some of their homepages, you can take a look at Cyril's or Mac's ones, they're really worth it!



This is Prince, my dog... he's a 3-year-old Yorkshire. Isn't he cute??



As you can notice I spend A LOT of my time on my computer, I like surfing on the net and chatting with a lot of people... ICQ is really cool to meet new friends! Btw, if you find good sites for mp3's... please contact me! ; )

The most important ISP's in Lebanon are Cyberia, Data Management and Inconet. You can check out their web sites, they've got a lot of Lebanese stuff!

My favourite games on the computer are Worms2, Worms Armageddon and Tomb Raider 2 and 3 (here are some cheat codes for TR3)... You can often find me online playing worms too (my room is "Les Cactus", come and join me!). Sim City 3000 is one of my new favourite games but it's annoying sometimes because people keep deserting my cities : (

Btw it's the first time I build a homepage, and it's far from being perfect... keep that in mind when you sign my guestbook!


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