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Self-Analysis Essay |
Strong = I am very confident with this one. Good = I still have room to grow. Weak = I really need to work on this one. Unsure = I just don't know. 1. Resistance to stress: The ability to get work done even under stressful conditions. Strong 2. Tolerance for uncertainty: The ability to get work done even under ambiguous and uncertain conditions.
3. Social objectivity: The ability to act free of racial, ethnic, gender and other prejudices or biases.
4. Inner work standards: The ability to personally set and work to high performance standards.
5. Stamina: The ability to sustain long work hours.
6. Adaptability: The ability to be flexible and adapt to changes.
7. Self-confidence: The ability to be consistently decisive and display one's personal presence.
8. Self-objectivity: The ability to evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses and to understand one's motives and skills relative to a job.
9. Introspection: The ability to learn from experience, awareness, and self-study.
10. Entrepreneurism: The ability to address problems and take advantage of opportunities for constructive change.
The Scoring
The Interpretation
Last Updated: 5/19/2004Webmaster: Miguel MartinezQuestions or comments? Send me an e-mail: msm4711@yahoo.com |