Thanks for visiting my magical kingdom


Come Fly With Me In the Friendly Skies

What makes Me Your Friend

I will:
be there when you need me,
offer my shoulders for you to lean on,
try to understand you,
never put you down,
support you in your endeavors,
praise your good fortune,
stand behind you against all odds,
make you smile when you are feeling blue.

You can:
depend on my word,
find in me a listening ear,
always feel my warm heart,
borrow what I have to give,
believe what you will without condemnation,
ask for advice or give it freely,
look to me for any assistance,
share in my happiness.

We shall:
always be as close as a thought,
always have each other,
always work things out,
always leave our differences behind,
always do whats best for the other,
always stand strong together,
always have someone who cares,
always give every effort to share our pains.

What makes me your friend, you my friend,
The person who means my salvation,
Someone who knows what a friendship is all about,
Friends for a lifetime.

~~ G. Davey 1998 ~~

Thanks for visiting my magical kingdom

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