I've had diabetes since I was an infant (until that pancreas transplant I received a year ago).  Mom told me that I was about 10 months old when she found out,  but I don't remember.  Unfortunately,

due to the length of time I had diabetes, (36 years?) I developed gangrene in both feet.  I didn't know that anything could be so painful.  Voila!  Amputation!  My orthopedic surgeon tried taking just the toes on the left foot, but since I had developed a bone infection in that leg and the foot wouldn't heal, I went for a below the knee amputation.  My vascular surgeon did try to get my blood flow going with a bypass, but it clotted off.  My stump turned black again and I had to go to whirlpools where it was soaked and debreeded.  Finally after nine months it healed.  I have a prosthesis, eventually I'll get one that looks more life like, and as soon as the amputation of my right great toe heals I'll be out of this wheelchair and out dancing! 

Before  I could get my pancreas transplant, I had to have a triple bypass in my heart.  Turned out I was having silent heart attacks.  I haven't had any refection episodes from the pancreas or the kidney that I received 4 years ago.  I've been LUCKY!!!  I'm still waiting for someone to do eye transplants since I am totally blind in my right eye for at least 8 years from the diabetes.   My left eye has enough vision for me to get around.  All those lazier surgeries delete your side and night vision and I have some problems with colors at times.


Before I had my leg worked on, I was looking for a square bikini to hide all these scars but I might have to settle for box shaped now.  I did discover that the hospital where I had my transplants does have square underwear.  They let me bring some home for souvenirs.

Presently, I volunteer part time for the Access Center For Independent Living.  I am also a member of the  Committee On Regional Transit Accessibility (CORTA) to help make public transportation more accessible.  I have also just become involved with UHCAN, (see
my favorites page).

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