Community Garden
Prince George

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This site last updated June 26, 2006
Welcome to our 9th season of Community Gardeing!

Welcome back to our "old" gardeners and a special  greeting to those of you just joining us.

There are still some plots avialbale so pease tell your friends.

Watch this site or look for our posters at the garden ...we plan new special events all of the time.

Located: On Milburn between Redwood Street and Spruce Street
Features: More than fifty raised garden beds....beds are 100 square feet
              Large communal garden plot
              Demonstration Herb Garden
              School Kids' Garden
              Water tap and water barrels
               Full Day sun exposure
               Tool shed
               Educational Sessions
               Community Activities
Plot rentals are $10 per year plus ten hours of volunteer gardening
Annual events include a plant sale, scarecrow making contest, communities in bloom, pot luck harvest dinner.

For information about joining the community garden, please phone Jovanka Djordevitch.....564-3859
Did you know that we are subject to the same sprinkling restrictions as homeowners? It is true. Please use the sprinkler  after 5:00 in the evening and before 12:00 noon. If your plot is on the west side water on even numbered days. If your plot is on the east side, water only on odd numbered days. You may use the watering cans or a hand held hose any time.
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Work Party Wednesday, June 28
Let's get the empty beds planted!
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City of Prince George
Community Gardens