The 1888 Conference
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The 1888 General Conference Session held in Minneapolis
was a turning point for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. From that time
to our day it has been a subject of much discussion and controversy.
Some regard this experience as a repetion of history,
comparing it with ancient Israel's coming to the borders of Canaan, Kadesh-barnea,
and because of unbelief having to turn back into the wilderness. Others,
such as L.E.Froom in his book, "Movement of Destiny", attempt
to interpret the events of this conference as a victory and a turning point
for good in the church. In this lesson, we shall trace the events that
led to this conference and see what happened there.
Events before 1888
As we have seen in the previous lessons, it did
not take long for the church to backslide. Spirituality died out to a great
degree. In their actions, Adventists were retreating back toward Egypt.
Stern rebukes and startling testimonies were given to leaders and people
alike, as the following statements show:
- 1881. "Unconsecrated ministers, professors,
and teachers assist Satan to plant his banner in our very strongholds..."
and "The anger of the Lord is kindled for these things." Testimonies,
Vol.5, p. 12
- 1882. "I'm filled with sadness when I think
of our condition as a people..." and "The church has turned back
from following Christ her Leader and is steadily retreating toward Egypt."
Testimonies, Vol. 5, 217
- 1882. "I have been shown that the spirit
of the world is fast leavening the church. ... You are having fellowship
with the unfruitful works of darkness." Testimonies, Vol.5, p.75
- 1887. "What is our condition in this fearful
and solemn time ? Alas, what pride is prevailing in the church, what hypocrisy,
what deception, what love of dress, frivolity and amusement, what desire
for supremacy ! All these sins have clouded the mind, so that the eternal
things have not been discerned." Review and Herald, March 22, 1987
The Instruments Used
Seeing the condition of the church at that time,
the Lord had a message for the people. But who was to give this message
when the leadership was no longer faithful to God ?
- "The Lord often works where we least expect
Him; He surprises us by revealing His power through instruments of His
own choice, while He passes by the men to whom we have looked as those
through whom light should come...
- "Even if all our leading men should refuse
light and truth, that door will still remain open. The Lord will raise
up men who will give the people the message for this time." Testimonies
to Ministers, p.106-107
In 1888, God chose two young men to carry His
message to the church. They were E.J.Waggoner and A.T.Jones. Elder E.J.Waggoner
saw a vision of Christ hanging on the cross. This led him to study the
Bible on the subject of "God in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.".
In a letter (S-24-1892), Sister White wrote of
these brethren: "The message given us by A.T.Jones and E.J.Wagonner
is the message of God to the Laodicean Church." And in "Testimonies
to Ministers", p. 91, she stated: "The Lord in His great mercy
sent a most precious message to His people through Elders Waggoner and
The Message, A Test For
The Church
Let us see how the test was received:
- "I can never forget the experience which
we had in Minneapolis, or the things which were then revealed to me in
regard to the spirit that controlled men, the words spoken, the actions
done in obedience to the powers of evil... They were moved at the meeting
by another spirit, and they knew not that God had sent these young men
to bear a special message to them which they treated with ridicule and
contempt, not realizing that the heavenly intelligences were looking upon
them. I know that at that time the Spirit of God was insulted, and now
when I see anything approaching to the same course of action, I am exceedingly
pained." Letter, S-24-1892.
- "They began this satanic work at Minneapolis.
Afterward, when they saw and felt the demostration of the Holy Spirit testifying
that the message was of God, they hated it the more, because it was a testimony
against them. They would not humbel their hearts to repent, to give God
the glory, and vindicate the right. They went on in their own spirit, filled
with envy, jealousy, and evil surmisings, as did the Jews. They opened
their hearts to the enemy of God and man. Yet these men have been holding
positions of trust, and have been molding the work after their own similitude,
as far as they possibly could..." Testimonies to Ministers, p. 80.
The Message Rejected
Some held high hopes that at a later session of
the General Conference a revival and reformation would take place, but
to their disappoitment the years passed by and no change was seen in the
course of the church and her leaders.
- "Today there are few who are heartily serving
God. The most of those who compose our congregations are spiritually dead
in trespasses and sins... The sweetest melodies that come from God through
human lips - justification by faith, and the righteousness of Christ -
do not bring forth from them a response of love and gratitude... They steel
their hearts against Him (the Heavenly Merchantman)... If they continue
in this state God will reject them with abhorrence." Review and Herald,
April 4, 1893.
Of the General Conference Session held in 1901,
Sister White wrote in a letter dated August 5, 1902:
- "What wonderful work could have been done
for the vast company gathered in Battle Creek at the General Conference
of 1901, if the leaders of our work had taken themselves in hand... There
was a stopping short of entire surrender to God, and hearts that might
have been purified from all error were strenghtened in wrong doing. The
doors were barred against the heavenly current that would have swept away
all evil. Men left their sins unconfessed. They built themselves up in
wrong doing, and said to the Spirit of God, 'Go thy way for this time:
when I have a more convenient season, I will call for thee'".
The message presented by the third angel was not
able to bring about the revival and reformation called for in the Adventist
Results Of Rejection
In a letter to Elder O.A.Olsen, September 1, 1892
(O'19, D'92), Sister White wrote:
- "No more tender calls, no better opportunities
could be given them in order that they might do that which they ought to
have done at Minneapolis. The time will come when they will be willing
to do anything and everything possible in order to have a chance of hearing
the call they rejected at Minneapolis... Better opportunities will never
come, deeper feelings they will not have... God will not be trifled with."
- "The Spirit of God is departing from many
among His people. Many have entered into dark, secret paths, and some will
never return. They will continue to stumble to their ruin. They have tempted
God , they have rejected light." Testimonies to Ministers, p. 90 (1895)
- "The conference at Minneapolis was the golden
opportunity for all present to humble the heart before God, and to welcome
Jesus as the Great Instructor; but the stand taken by some at that meeting
proved their ruin. They have never seen clearly since and they never will;
for they persistently cherish the spirit that prevailed there, a wicked
, criticizing, denunciatory spirit." January 9, 1893, written from
In our next lesson we shall study what happened
following this fateful conference.
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