The 1888 Conference

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The 1888 General Conference Session held in Minneapolis was a turning point for the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. From that time to our day it has been a subject of much discussion and controversy.

Some regard this experience as a repetion of history, comparing it with ancient Israel's coming to the borders of Canaan, Kadesh-barnea, and because of unbelief having to turn back into the wilderness. Others, such as L.E.Froom in his book, "Movement of Destiny", attempt to interpret the events of this conference as a victory and a turning point for good in the church. In this lesson, we shall trace the events that led to this conference and see what happened there.

Events before 1888

As we have seen in the previous lessons, it did not take long for the church to backslide. Spirituality died out to a great degree. In their actions, Adventists were retreating back toward Egypt. Stern rebukes and startling testimonies were given to leaders and people alike, as the following statements show:

The Instruments Used

Seeing the condition of the church at that time, the Lord had a message for the people. But who was to give this message when the leadership was no longer faithful to God ?

In 1888, God chose two young men to carry His message to the church. They were E.J.Waggoner and A.T.Jones. Elder E.J.Waggoner saw a vision of Christ hanging on the cross. This led him to study the Bible on the subject of "God in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.".

In a letter (S-24-1892), Sister White wrote of these brethren: "The message given us by A.T.Jones and E.J.Wagonner is the message of God to the Laodicean Church." And in "Testimonies to Ministers", p. 91, she stated: "The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to His people through Elders Waggoner and Jones."

The Message, A Test For The Church

Let us see how the test was received:

The Message Rejected

Some held high hopes that at a later session of the General Conference a revival and reformation would take place, but to their disappoitment the years passed by and no change was seen in the course of the church and her leaders.

Of the General Conference Session held in 1901, Sister White wrote in a letter dated August 5, 1902:

The message presented by the third angel was not able to bring about the revival and reformation called for in the Adventist ranks.

Results Of Rejection

In a letter to Elder O.A.Olsen, September 1, 1892 (O'19, D'92), Sister White wrote:

In our next lesson we shall study what happened following this fateful conference.

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