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Hi we're Buzz and Rovey

This is Buzz and Rovey's web site devoted to the pursuit of natural hot springs in Northern and Central California, camping in the great outdoors, the beautiful Big Sur coastline, the Sierra Nevada Mountains, the Lost Coast and everything in between.

Buzz kicking back at Pulky's Pool (above) and Little Hot Creek

Our interest are:
sports, working out, outdoors, the mountains, hiking, camping, getting naked and soaking in natural hot springs, white water rafting, snowboarding, star gazing, kicking back in the wilderness and appreciating mother nature....

Wilbur Hot Springs....Waters like these no where of our favorites. If you would to see more of Wilbur, click on the picture above.

Rovey playing in the mud at Travertine Hot Springs.. (Click on the above image to find out more about Travertine Hot Springs near the town of Bridgeport)

Rovey soaking it up at Buckeye hot springs.

If you're interested in more information and pictures of Hot Springs in the Long Valley Caldera, just click on Rovey in the picture above....

Click on Major Buzz if you want to see McGee Creek Campgrounds

If you are interested in some places we've been, Email us at
and if you know of any, let us know.....We are always looking for new outdoor hot springs to explore, experience and enjoy......

Please visit our other website at

(Just click on the underlined words above to go there now.)

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