
Here, you will find immensely practical, powerful and far-reaching insights,
based upon leading-edge discoveries of today's science.

How to Cure and Prevent almost All Diseases - and particularly the 'incurable' ones - for you and yours in as little as 3 months, just by including a common supermarket food in your daily nutrition.
It works; no ifs, no buts, and no maybes; and for very good reasons!
And, if many of us are determined enough, in as little as 1 year everybody can have life-long freedom from practically all diseases, at any age, without doing anything special or contrived. Since many bacteria have adapted to our anti-biotics, this now becomes more crucial than ever.

The simple Steps for a Completely Poison-free Agriculture - and consequently, poison-free food, land, water and environments - in as little as 1 year. This will result in another very substantial improvement of our personal and public health. Moreover, this agriculture is not only permanently sustainable, but becomes richer and more abundant season by season and year by year.
This is becoming more crucial as scientists are becoming alarmed at the presence of man-made endrocine blocking chemicals in our bodies. See "Something nasty is happening to us", CNN 'Earth' news, June 30. 1997.

The simple Steps for very Stable, even Balmy Climates in 4 to 5 Years - simply by making our world more beautiful. And everybody everywhere can participate in this, just by enriching and beautifying our world, and our personal and public environments with living green. This will also eliminate the greenhouse effect. We have to do this anyhow; while we can survive, somehow, the record floods, droughts and seasonal climatic extremes, our food crops can't.

The - long overdue - Discovery of the Universal Law of Progressive Complexity - the fundamental law of the universe which drives the evolution of the universe and of Life alike (!) - as well as all gestation and growth - everywhere and anywhere in this universe. This changes our universe from the badly mistaken notion of 'chaotic and meaningless' to one which embodies a plan and a purpose as vast, as awesome and as breathtakingly beautiful as our universe itself. The stunning magnitude of the ultimate destiny of our kind and selves staggers the mind no end. Moreover, our understanding of these laws and forces - which are as simple as A, B, C - delivers the power to use these vast and immensely powerful creative forces of our universe into our hands, to use and apply as we see fit, within the domain of our influence.

The Evolution and Advent of Homo nobilis, stellaris. We are, right now, in the midst of the evolutionary quantum leap from Homo sapiens, sapiens to the far higher and far vaster domain of Homo nobilis, stellaris. In our time - and within a mere blink, so to speak, of an evolutionary eye - we have acquired star-fire; we have taken our first steps into space and have seen Earthrise from the Moon; we have come to understand the nature of the universe and its creative forces; we have begun to use our first Mind Tools; and, as if all this were not enough, we have also begun to snip, stitch and tailor the very life-codes of living things to our own design.
And in the realm of biological evolution - and besides the advent of greater hight and larger brains - a newly emergent exquisite gracefulness of articulation, movement and proportions has already begun to embody, in physical form, the essential grace of spirit of Homo nobilis, stellaris.

The True Nature of our Selves. A universe to which the law of Progressive Complexity is fundamental, is a teleological universe - a universe which embodies a vast plan and supreme purpose - just as every (simple) seed, egg and ovum contains the plan and purpose of the (vast complexity of the) fully developed organism. Consequently, and as many leading scientists (among them Einstein, Hoyle, Davies, Dyson) have come to realize, this is a 'designed' universe, and there is, after all, a supreme 'Designer'. Of necessity, the existence of the Creative Consciousness of the universe is eternal and transcends the comings and goings of universes. And since our own consciousness is a micro-miniscule 'spark' of the Creative Consciousness of this universe, we are, at the core of our being, eternal immortal souls whose existence also transcends the comings and goings of universes. Since any one life is far too short to embody such a vast plan and supreme purpose, we are - like everything from bacteria to stars - reborn again and again, and again, to carry on where we have left off the last time around, to grow and evolve towards the immensity of our ultimate destiny.

The Simple Steps towards a Vibrantly Healthy Biosphere. Our planetary biosphere is the direct product of the universal law of Progressive Complexity. Unfortunately, and in our ignorance of this fundamental law of our universe, we have massively reduced, and continue to do so, the vast complexity of our biosphere on many fronts. With our massive eradication of the continental forests, for instance, we are forcing our planetary biosphere into a sudden phase-shift to the extremes of a planetary desert climate. The climatic extremes we are experiencing now show us that we are already in the 'Threshold Phase' of such a phase-shift.
Fortunately, the law of Progressive Complexity also contains the simple and effective solution. All we need to do is to re-establish the green cover of the continents. Fortunately again, and since planting new forests is far too slow for the time remaining to us, there exist explosively rampant plant materials which can re-green the continents in a few years. It is well within our power and capability to re-establish the historic vibrant health of our biosphere very rapidly - well within a decade.

All of these items arise - with awesome precision - out of the universal law of Progressive Complexity.


© peter weis ©
Vancouver; B.C.
last updated Sept. 12. 1998