The True Nature
Our Selves


Modern science has shown us that, at the most fundamental level of our personal physical substance,
we are composed of protons and electrons.
Protons and electrons are the fundamental particles of this universe; and constitute everything that exists in this universe.

We quench our thirst with water - which is composed of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen (H2O). Hydrogen is the simplest and original element of the universe; and oxygen was fused, also from hydrogen, in stars.
The tear on a child's cheek, for instance, consists mostly of hydrogen, the oldest and original element of this universe.

Our food consists, to the greater part, of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus - which are also the stuff of our DNA. And our DNA - our genetic blueprint - determines everything that we are and most of what we do. Like all the elements of the universe, these elements were also fused, from the original hydrogen, in stars that are now long dead and gone.

And as the oscilloscope tracings of our brain waves show, we are animated by the electromagnetic energy of our universe.

We can take this even one step further. As most of us know by now, all matter condensed out of the pure energy of the 'Big Bang' birth of our universe, so shortly after its birth that it does not matter. Consequently then, and at the ultimate foundation of our existence, we are composed of the (congealed) energy of this universe.
This is true. If the protons and electrons of our personal substance ever encountered a like number of anti-protons and anti-electrons, all would revert, in an instantaneous flash, into pure energy. This, by the way, occurs regularly in our particle accelerators.

How protons and electrons are assembled into atoms, how atoms are assembled into molecules, and how molecules are assembled into complex chemical compounds is determined and governed by well known universal laws. As modern astronomy has found, these laws hold true from one end of the universe to the other. Water, like all chemical compounds- and which makes up about 70% of our personal substance - is exactly the same at the other end of the universe as it is here.

Every aspect of the physical, chemical and bio-chemical foundation of our existence - from the physics of the atoms of our personal substance, to the chemistry of our genetic endowment, the bio-chemistry of our gestation and assembly of the elements into our budding personal substance in our mother's womb, our growth, our heartbeat, our breath, our digestion, the neural chemistry of our thoughts, words, our actions, and so forth, and so forth - is not only a single, seamless and inseparable process, but it is driven and governed by well known universal laws; by laws which hold true from one end of the universe to the other.

Physically and chemically, we are - first and foremost, through and through, inside and out, and in every conceivable way - creatures of this universe; creatures who happen to have been born and live on a small pleasant planet we call the Earth, somewhere in this universe.

These are indisputable scientific facts - the well known facts of today's physics, bio-physics, chemistry,
biochemistry, molecular biology, biology, astronomy and cosmology. Any way we look at it, from the bottom up, from the top down, or from any angle whatsoever, we are composed of the matter of this universe, and are animated - body and mind - by the energy of this universe. Like everything else in this universe, we are a direct product of the energy, the matter, and the laws of this universe.
We are, indeed, and as Carl Sagan stated, "starstuff".

It would be very nice, for all of us, if every child on this Earth were given the name 'Starchild' in his or her name - like Joanna Natasha Starchild Jones, for example - as a constant reminder to ourselves, and all others, of our ultimate origin and true nature. If every child on this Earth grew up knowing that it is a Starchild would, in my mind, make a world of difference. This is also part and parcel of the knowledge, the perceptions, and the very nature and being of Homo, nobilis, stellaris.

The next step, the assembly of complex chemical compounds into the daunting complexity of living cells,
has been the most elusive to science. Until very recently that is.
The newly discovered universal law of Progressive Complexity now shows us
that the progressive complexity of the emergence and evolution of Life is the seamless continuation of the evolution of the universe to progressively higher levels of complexity. The evolution of the universe and of Life is driven by exactly the same fundamental law, and is a continuous, seamless and indivisible process. This tallies very nicely with the fact that all living organisms embody the seamless integration of the energy, matter and laws of this universe. The law of Progressive Complexity only confirms and validates what we have come to know and understand already.

The full implications are immense, and stunning.
Life is a fundamental property of this universe. The universe teems with Life
of every imaginable and unimaginable form - according to local conditions. Wherever it is at all possible, Life will emerge and evolve. And far from being "an astronomically unlikely accident", what we see here on the Earth - a biosphere teeming with all manner of Life - is the most common thing in this universe. As Carl Sagan put it, "Life in the universe is as common as sand on a beach."

Moreover, the principles of the emergence and evolution of Life are exactly the same
throughout the whole universe. And this includes male- and femaleness. This is a necessity. In a universe where everything is subject to decay, re-generation and reproduction are the only means to perpetuate anything - be this stars, galaxies and black holes, or planets, plants and people. Here then, we also have the foundation and framework for a brand-new, energy-based, and universal process of the evolution of Life; a process that holds true from one end of the universe to the other.

This is very nice; we now have three seemingly different domains - the evolution of the universe;
the dynamics of gestation and growth; and the evolution of Life - which turn out to be driven and governed by exactly the same fundamental law of Progressive Complexity. Simple, elegant - and breathtakingly beautiful.

And while femaleness alone is sufficient to perpetuate Life
(for one of many examples right here on the Earth see "Courtship in Unisexual Lizards: ..."SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, Dec. 1987), and while there will be some purely female extra-terrestrial races out there, most by far will know male- and femaleness as an effective means to increase genetic diversity, and hence, long-term survival. Still, there will be far more variations on this eons-old theme of Life than we can imagine. Consequently, and since reproduction is a universal phenomenon - along with the inborn psychology of reproduction - all females of the universe will basically understand each other through their common dedication to the universal imperatives of reproduction; the nurturing, protecting, caring for, and survival of lives other than the self. Similarly, all males of the universe will also basically understand each other. Competition and conquest will always be understood by all males, anywhere in this universe.
This, by the way, also gives us the foundation for a brand-new universal psychology; a psychology that also holds true from one end of the universe to the other.

It is worth noting here that the female is the cardinal embodiment and bearer of the universal mandate of reproduction,
and I very much suspect - as a male I cannot tell - that, deep down, and at the core of her being, woman is well aware of the cosmic nature of her exclusive mandate.

Our biologists, evolutionists and psychologists, and particularly the latter, face a whole new ball game,
so to speak - an eternal ball game that is played out in the mind-boggling immensity of the court of the universe, and according to the rules of the universe. On the other hand, theirs will be disciplines as 'hard' - albeit not as 'cold' - as math and physics.

The most stunning conclusion, though, is that our universe contains a vast plan and supreme purpose.
A universe to which the law of Progressive Complexity is fundamental, is a teleological universe - a universe which embodies a plan and a purpose. It is not surprising at all then that the whole fabric of Life rests upon and arises from teleological processes - every seed, egg and ovum contains the plan and the purpose of the fully developed organism.
The universal law of Progressive Complexity now makes it perfectly clear that the evolution of the universe from the ultimate simplicity of its Big Bang birth energy to its present astronomical complexity is a teleological process, and that the whole evolution of Life from the primitive simplicity of bacteria to the immense complexity of human beings is a teleological process as well. It's a planned thing, from beginning to end.

We can now state that the universe exists for the sole and explicit purpose of creating and evolving Life and consciousness.
Far from being accidental and chaotic, the awesome beauty of this universe embodies a plan and a purpose which is as awesome as our universe itself. Consequently then, there exists a supreme Cosmic Consciousness - the origin of the plan and purpose of this universe. Of necessity, this Cosmic Consciousness is eternal. It exists forever, and its existence forever transcends the comings and goings of universes.
A great many of our scientists have come to the same conclusion, even without knowing the newly discovered law of Progressive Complexity. Just to mention a few; Albert Einstein: "God does not play dice." Fred Hoyle: "The universe is a put-up job." Paul Davies: "The impression of design is overwhelming." The law of Progressive Complexity now makes it official.

And as the direct product of the laws and forces of this universe - along with trillions of other such highly evolved races throughout this universe - we embody its plan and its purpose.

Ach, mein Gott, most people will say, all this is very nice, but I see no evidence whatsoever of any grand plan and supreme purpose in the all too short, mostly humdrum, and even desperate lives of most of us. This is true, as far as it goes. However, as the direct product of the Cosmic Consciousness of this universe, our own consciousness - like all consciousness - is a miniscule 'spark' of the Cosmic Consciousness of this universe. Consequently, our own core-consciousness is as immortal, and as eternal as the Cosmic Consciousness of this universe. And as the existence of the Cosmic Consciousness transcends the comings and goings of universes, so does ours. As it now turns out, we are truly eternal souls after all.

In a universe which is subject to the law of Decay, the one and only way to perpetuate and evolve Life
is through reproduction. (This, by the way, adds a vast cosmic dimension to the nature of the female). Similarly, the one and only way to evolve individual consciousness to progressively higher levels of awareness is through serial re-incarnations. Like the regular re-birth of plants, animals, stars and black holes, even of the universe itself, we are re-born again, and again, and again - to carry on, where we had left off, the last time around. And consequently, we have more than plenty of time, along with ample opportunity, for the unfolding of the vast plan and supreme purpose of our lives. Each life is one of hundreds of 'chapters' in the 'book' of our lives, and each new chapter carries on where we had left off in the preceding chapter. To come to understand Life, fully and in all of its aspects, is the paramount goal of the soul
as the first step in its spiritual growth and evolution.

And, between lives, our soul carefully chooses the circumstances, parents, gender and aspects of our forthcoming personality to enable the next step in the growth and evolution of the soul towards its inborn destiny. Just like any child wants to grow up into its full adult potential, the soul wants to grow up into the full potential of its origin. Each life is very much like taking a specific course to attain needed knowledge and understanding for the further growth and evolution of the soul.
So, we take all kinds of incarnations, in both genders - almost turn by turn - in all races,
and in every circumstance under the sun.

And like a tree casts its seeds into the Earth every season to grow, in time, into new trees,
the Cosmic Consciousness casts its seeds into Life in every one of its 'seasons'. And just as there are infant trees, baby trees, young trees, mature trees and old trees, there are infant souls, baby souls, young souls, mature souls, and old souls.

I have long reasoned that, if serial re-incarnation is indeed a fact, it mustbe readily apparent right here, right now, and everywhere. Unless it exists in another way, perhaps on another 'plane', direct memory is out. We are endowed, after all, with a brand-new brain with every new incarnation, which makes direct memory physically impossible. So, we have to look elsewhere for any evidence. And there is plenty.

In another beautiful coherence of the laws of our universe, the laws of Growth and Maturity of the physical universe also apply to souls. The familiar instincts, perceptions, priorities and motivations of the very young, young, mature and old in the biological domain are precisely paralleled by the perceptions of infant, baby, young, mature and old souls. And just as one can closely guess the age of an unknown child by its behaviour and perceptions, the soul-age of any person is just as readily apparent by his or her behaviour, perceptions and priorities. The only difference is, as one would fully expect, that biological age and soul age occupy vastly different time-scales.

To illustrate.
A first incarnate soul, an infant soul, may live to be, let's say 75 years old; but its perceptions and motivations are, and will remain those of an infant for many, many lives. Most, if not all of us, have encountered such people in our lives. On the other hand of the spectrum, a recently incarnate old soul may be only, let's say 10 years old in its current life, but its perceptions and motivations are, and will remain those of an old (soul) for many, many lives as well. Most of us have encountered such 'unusually mature' children. Obviously, the behaviour, perceptions and motivations of these two incarnate beings will differ vastly.

Here then, we have the explanation of the old folk wisdom of "there is a little boy in every grown man"; as well as for the common phenomenon of 'unusually' mature children. And here we also have overwhelming, precise and explicit proof of serial re-incarnation - almost 6 billion souls at every stage of their individual growth and development. This also gives us another fundamental component of a true and 'cosmic' psychology; for the universal laws of Growth and Maturity - be these biological or psychological, of the body or the soul - govern and hold true for all ensouled species everywhere in this universe. We have another fundamental aspect of our existence in common with all other races of this universe.

At present, the average soul-age (the top of the Bell curve) of the whole human race is mid-young,
with about as many infant souls as old souls at each end of the curve.

As a rough guide to the difference in perceptions of young, mature and old souls,
this little symbolic metaphor is helpful. Young souls rip out trees; mature souls plant trees; and old souls leave everything to unfold as it should. The well known "Desiderata", for instance, is the direct product of the typical perceptions of the old soul.

Since souls want to, and need to take incarnations among people who are at their own soul-age level
- just as first-graders are most comfortable among other first-graders, and just as 12-graders are most comfortable among other 12-graders - there is much clustering of same-age souls. This clustering is clearly evident in the governments of the nations of the Earth.
Predominantly baby soul nations are governed by dictatorial or autocratic cleptocracies; predominantly early-young soul nations are governed by elitist cleptocracies; mid- and late-young soul nations chose and elect capitalist democracies; predominantly mature soul nations and old soul nations chose and elect social democracies. The only exceptions arise when young souls have usurped power and are governing a country of older souls by force, such as the former USSR, which is a predominantly mature soul country. There are not enough infant souls on this Earth at this stage anymore to constitute the majority of a country.
Another infallible indicator of soul age is this; all fundamentalists are invariably baby souls;
all traditionalists are early-young souls; all progressivists are either mid- or late-young souls; and all mature and old souls are universalists.

It remains to be said that gender is purely a factor of the physical plane.
Since the Cosmic Consciousness is eternal, and since Decay (and time as we know it) does not exist on all higher planes, there is no need for reproduction, and hence, of gender. Consequently, gender does not exist on any of the higher planes. However, since re-production and gender are an indispensable necessity of the physical plane, all souls take incarnations in both genders - almost turn by turn - and in all races. This makes a myopic nonsense, even stupidity - and if it were not so tragic - a cosmic farce of all gender and racial discrimination.

And to lay to rest another popular misconception, all of our re-incarnations are, without exceptions,
in human form; period. Unlike our kind and selves, all animals and all other living things are ensouled by hive-souls.
Another vitally important consequence of our eternal nature is that all crimes and transgressions - from the most serious to the least inconsequential - against another soul must be paid for and balanced in kind. This is the origin of the saying, "a tooth for a tooth; and an eye for an eye". This is not a matter of decree by a Cosmic Authority; instead, it is purely a matter of compelling and inevitable choice. Since all souls come from the same source, all souls are, in fact, siblings. Since the soul is fully aware of this, it wants to compensate any harm it has done to any of its siblings by experiencing the harm it has done for itself, either in this, or any future life.
The whole process of the evolution of the soul comes from 'walking in another's shoes',
but not only for a mile, but for a life-time. In this manner, the soul gains understanding, compassion, and finally, love for all other souls. Every soul also takes at least one homosexual incarnation, and one disabled incarnation; the latter for the express purpose of learning to accept dependency.

The familiar concept of karma, or of "as you sow, so you shall reap",
if not in this life then definitely in another, is the inevitable reality of the lives of eternal souls. It is the best and sure-fire way of learning to become responsible for all of our actions.
If a person commits murder, his or her soul will chose to be murdered in another life. This is the only way the soul will really come to understand what it's like to be murdered, and it is the only way to burn the 'karma' between these two souls. The same holds true for rape, mayhem, all forms of theft, rip-offs, exploitation and discrimination, in short, for any and all harm done to another soul, no matter how great or how small, or seemingly insignificant. The soul knows everything we have ever thought, said and done, and all of it has to be set aright before it can go on towards the immensity of its ultimate destiny. And since it is immortal and eternal, the soul does not care how many lives, or how much time it takes. It has, after all, all eternity.

So, and contrary to popular notion, we do not pass here but once, but many, many times
- in both genders, and in all races. We are indeed, and in fact, our own grand- or great-grandchildren, if hardly ever in the same family. We will be here for all of the futures, either good or not so good, that we have been talking about in these pages. This is guaranteed; no ifs, no buts, no maybes. And what kind of world we will find ourselves in - in our very next incarnation - depends very much upon what we do, or fail to do, in this life, and right here, and right now.
And this includes our environments, and our biosphere. Our souls also hold us responsible for our biosphere;
and if we manage to destroy it - along with it's myriad forms of ensouled life - we will have to experience that as well. And those directly responsible will return here, again and again, until it becomes utterly impossible.

For an almost mathematically precise, explicit and concise account of the nature and ways of the soul,
there is none better or clearer nor more down-to-earth than "Messages From Michael", Berkley Books. - the infinitely patient and dispassionate teachings of a fifth-level causal-plane soul who has lived through the innumerable ups and downs, the guts and glory of its own sojourns and evolution here on the Earth. Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, the author of this book, acts purely as a reporter of these verbatim messages from 'Michael' and has fleshed them out with the stories of the people who have received these messages. The 4th and newest book in this series of 'Michael' books is "Michael For The Millennium", (1996) in which 'Michael' addresses the current state of our world.

Let it be noted here that 'Michael's' teachings do not leave any room whatsoever for any 'masters' or spiritual authority of any kind, for any sort of cult or cult-membership, any kind of belief ('he' abhors belief), any tithing, any mandated behaviour, compulsory observances, prayers, meditations, dress, or dietary regimes of any kind. Indeed, any mandates, compulsions or conformities would severely interfere with the free and natural evolution of the soul. Free choice in all things - along with the inevitable responsibility that comes with all free choice - is the sine qua non and driving force of the growth and evolution of the soul. Any less than this interferes with the evolution of the soul, and results in karmic debts for those who interfere in any way whatsoever with the evolution of any soul.
Just the plain facts, and nothing but the facts of the nature and the evolution of our immortal soul, in the context of its trans-cosmic nature and origin.

And while this leaves each individual very much on its own to manage as best as it may,
at least here on the Earth, we are far from alone. Each soul belongs to an 'entity' of 1.100 'soul mates', has a twin soul, a task companion, and many soul 'buddies'. The loneliness so many of us experience here on the Earth is purely an artefact and illusion of the physical plane. The eternal nature of the soul weaves us into an eternal and tightly-knit 'family' of souls - into a family of infinite and unconditional love. For this is the nature of the Cosmic Consciousness - an infinite and unconditional Love so immense, vast and powerful that it is forever beyond the compass of our minds.

The bottom line of all this is that we are, in a very real sense, baby-gods - albeit presently still in diapers,
so to speak, as the current state of our world so amply confirms. Nevertheless, and after seven small eternities, and another eternity of meditation, we will go out into the infinite void, and create our own universe.

In the meantime though, and more down to earth, the most personal, direct and powerful impact of our true nature comes with the realisation that our mates and our children are immortal souls incarnate, come to spend a life-time with us, on this Earth, to be with each other, and to grow and evolve together. And so are our relatives and friends, our neighbours, and the people at work - even those who have, out of abysmal ignorance of the true nature of our selves, and for some completely cock-eyed and witless reasons, decided to be enemies.
Another very powerful consequence is the realisation that we can never loose anyone. Among immortal souls, this is impossible. At worst there is only a temporary separation; that's all.

Although infinitely more can be said about all this, this brings us to the end, for now,
of a few major conclusions and ramifications of our new theory of the nature of our universe as it follows from the new universal law of Progressive Complexity. Moreover, the nature of our physical universe as it follows from the law of Progressive Complexity is also in complete accord with 'Michael's' far vaster perspective and description of our universe. This theory, and 'Michael's' teachings are a seamless and unbroken continuum.

In the context of all this, it is now clear that the emergence of Homo nobilis, stellaris
is in complete accord with the universal laws of the evolution of Life and consciousness, and with the true nature of our kind and selves. These realisations, and the understanding of the nature of the cosmos and of the creative forces of this universe, of Life and of consciousness, is the quintessence and core-consciousness of Homo nobilis stellaris. We can now complete our cycles of re-incarnations on this Earth as Homo nobilis, stellaris, and thus take the first of many steps towards the awesome dimensions of our ultimate inborn destiny.

- now that we have the knowledge - we can use it -

Somehow, and deep down, we have always known that we are eternal souls.

That this, our true nature, even transcends the comings and goings of universes is the greatest surprise of all.


| Quantum physics contains hard and indisputable scientific proof of the existence of souls! |

The sole purpose of our inborn capacity to understand the laws of the universe is - to use them

© Peter Weis; Vancouver, BC; Canada; April 1997 ©
updated Sept. 14. 1997


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