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The True Nature of Our Selves

Quantum Mechanics Contains Proof of Souls! Sept. 1. 1997

The well proven 'non-locality' of quantum mechanics shows that there
exists another dimension beyond Time and Space - the dimension of 'Information' - which governs all the matter of this universe, including the matter and physical 'system' of our selves. And this Information Dimension is eternal; it exists - like energy itself - forever.
Consequently, the Information which constitutes the whole of our selves and being is also eternal; it exists forever. We now have solid, hard and indisputable scientific proof of the existence of what we call souls - actually 'information packets' in the Information Dimension - and that our souls are, indeed, immortal and exist forever. Moreover, since this Dimension is eternal - and universes are not - the existence of our souls transcends the comings and goings of universes!

Indeed, the Dimension of Information is primary and cardinal; it governs, 'in-forms' and gives form to all the matter of this universe, and to all of the physical manifestations of matter in this universe - including our selves.
The Information Dimension contains all of the information of this universe - of everything that ever existed and exists - down to the most infinitesimal bit of information about everything. And this includes everything we ever thought, dreamed, said and have done - in all of our lives

The Information Dimension also operates upon the fundamental universal law of Change & Stability, and consequently, upon the law of Progressive Complexity. To whit, the progressive complexity of the evolution of matter, of this universe and of Life - all of which are governed and driven by the Information Dimension. Indeed, the whole physical, chemical and biological universe - along with the laws of these domains - is a direct product of the Information Dimension of this universe. Here then, in the existence of the Information Dimension, we have more, and now indisputable proof that the evolution of the universe and of Life is a single, seamless and inseparable process. The cohesion is - as it must be - absolute. And the full implications are staggering.

Like everything else in this universe, the evolution of souls is driven by the evolution of Information - by the progressive complexity of the information acquired in successive lives. Successive lives are necessary because the physical universe - and consequently, our bodies - are subject to Decay, whereas Information is not. Since the information packets of our selves are not subject to decay, each life adds new information to the total acquired information packets of our souls. Consequently, each new life begins, precisely, where the last life has left off, as our individual information packets evolve from life to life. Consequently again, there are souls at every level of informational evolution - infant souls, baby souls, young souls, mature souls, old souls - and can be easily identified as such by the behaviour, perceptions and motivations typical of these stages of the evolution of each individual's information packet. We now also have the foundation and beginnings of a brand-new, universal and (very, very precise) Information-driven psychology in our mitts here. (It is a four-factor psychology, and I'll be posting an outline here soon).

The total information packet of our selves can be accessed; it is available to us. Past life memories are a fact, and many very young children clearly remember (the subject of a TV documentary) their immediate past life, before the intense, life-and-death nitty-gritties of the present life take over. And the Information is total - down to the most miniscule detail and slightest 'touch of ambience'.
Our brains also function as receiver-transmitters to the Information Dimension. Since we are given a new brain with every new incarnation, direct mental memory is impossible. Yet, total memory is available to us, and progressively more readily so as the soul evolves. Mind you, past life memories are not always pleasant. Most lives by far are very 'humdrum', and often desperate - there is only one information packet which contains the life of Cleopatra or of King Solomon - and we have done everything under the sun, from the most base to the most exalted. We have also died many, many deaths, most of them very unpleasant, to say the least.

A current note. While the present life of Princess Diana has come to so sudden, tragic and early an end, and is a great loss to her family and friends, as well as to our world, her information packet is immortal and eternal. And she will be among us again - albeit with a different name, body and appearance - but as exactly the same information packet of her soul.


The Technical Nitty-Gritties of It All

The many EPR (Einstein, Podolsky, Rose -inspired) experiments have proven, again and again, the fundamental 'non-locality' of quantum mechanics. Non-locality is a fact; this is now indisputable.
Briefly, when the spin of one of a pair of newly created electrons (in particle accelerators) is changed, the polar spin of its twin changes accordingly and automatically, as mandated by the fundamental, well known, and well proven Complementarity of quantum mechanics.The crucial point of the many EPR experiments is that this complementary change of the polarity of spin in the twin electron occurs INSTANTLY - and no matter at what distance. They can be light years apart in time and space, and still the change is instantaneous; there is no time interval; none, zilch, nada. Consequently, and obviously, this information of the change of spin in one electron (A) is transmitted to its twin (B) independent of time and space.

We now have 4 factors; 1) the transmission of information from electron A to its twin B; 2) the absence of time factor in this transmission; 3) the absence of space factor in this transmission; and 4) a governing and driving force which compels electron B to change its spin - instantaneously and complementarily to the change of spin of electron A. This is pure, hard and indisputable science.

Consequently, there exists a new (if only to us) dimension which contains Information, but in which time and space do not exist, and which governs and determines the behaviour of all matter in this universe.

We'll call this dimension the Information Dimension, and from our (currently 4-dimensional) perspective the 'Informational Universe' is a point (first suggested by Alan Roth). This tallies very nicely with the 'infinitesimal singularity' of the big bang birth of our universe.
Some initial conclusions:
1) There exist another and presently still unrecognized dimension - the Information Dimension.
2) Since time does not exist in this dimension, the information of the universe (like energy itself !) is eternal; it exists forever. The full implications are manifold, and staggering.
3) Information governs the behaviour of matter - the EPR experiments have made this indisputable. Also, this is a fundamental proof for the basic validity of David Bohm's "Causative Quantum Theory", the first, and so far only, formalized recognition that information governs matter.
4) The information of the universe evolves along with the physical, chemical, biological, psychological and cognitive evolution of the universe. Actually, it's the other way around; the physical, chemical, biological and cognitive evolution of the universe is driven by the informational evolution of this universe
5) The evolution of the Information of this universe is also driven by the fundamental universal laws of Change & Stability, and of Progressive Complexity (see, "The Law of All Creation", on this site).
6) The cohesion of the universe is absolute - via the total information of the universe.
7) All of the information packets of our selves (from the doings of our personal quarks, protons, electrons, and so forth - to the electromagnetic flux and flow of our thoughts, ideas and notions, along with all of our words and actions) reside in the Information Dimension, and are as eternal as all the information of this universe.
8) And since Information is eternal - and universes are not - the existence of our souls transcends the comings and goings of universes.

Consequently, at the core of our being we are eternal and immortal 'souls' after all - eternal and evolving information packets in the Information Dimension. And since the physical universe - and consequently, our bodies - is subject to the laws of Decay, serial reincarnation in successive lives is a necessity for the evolution of Information. And so we come back, again and again, and again, to this lovely Earth, to carry on were we had left off the last time around, and to make good what we had done wrong in ignorance of the true nature of our selves.

The domain of the Information Dimension is rich beyond all imagination. And the cohesion of this universe - from quantum mechanics to 'spirit' is absolute, as it must be.


The evolution of the universe and of Life is a single seamless process

© Peter Weis; Vancouver, BC; Canada; Sept. 1. 1997 ©


The full implications for our existence and true nature are staggering.

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