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Good Health is Our Birth-Right


Personally conducted by Sifu Wong Kiew Kit

Qigong Master of the Year
Sifu Wong Kiew Kit receiving the "Qigong Master of the Year" award at the Second World Congress on Qigong in Francisco in November 1997

So-called incurable illness like asthma, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, diabetes, rheumatism, kidney problems, peptic and deudenum ulcers, bodily pain and other chronic, defenerative diseases can be overcome by practicing real chi kung (also spelt as "qigong")

Chi Kung for Preventing or Overcoming So-Called Incurable Diseases


  1. To understand why and how practicing genuine chi kung can overcome so-called incurable illness like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, asthma, cancer, sexual inadequacy, infertility, depression, nervousness, insomia, rheumatism, chronic, degenerative diseases.
  2. To acquire within a comparatively short time the best available chi kung skills and techniques which a studnet can competently practise on his/her own after the intensive course, to overcome illness and promote health.

Note: This course, however, is NOT suitable for AIDS patients or those who are HIV positives.

If you wish to know the reasons, please refer to Answer 22 of the May 1999 Part 1 question-answer series


  1. To have a basic understanding of how and why chi kung can overcome diseases.
  2. To learn and be able to practise competently some useful chi kung exercises for curing illness and promoting health.
  3. To generate energy flow to clear energy blockage.
  4. To increase energy levels for healthy living.

Course Content

  1. Eight Steps to Deep Relaxation.
  2. Shaolin dynamic chi kung patterns.
  3. Self-manifested chi movement.
  4. Standing meditation.
  5. Dos and don'ts in chi kung practice.

Expected results (during the course itself)

  1. Feel relaxed and fresh.
  2. Experience some chi effects, like warmth over the body, tingling sensations at the fingers or other parts of the body, and ants crawling over his skin.
  3. If a student has some internal injury, which he (or she) may not be aware, he may feel slight pain at the site of the injury. If he does not feel this slight pain at the end of the intensive course, he is likely to feel it later as he continues his practice. This is a sign that his chi kung practise is curing his injury, such as clearing internal energy blockage.
  4. Feel confident that if he (or she) continues his practice at home, chi kung will overcome his degenerative or chronic illness if he has any, or to promote good health and vitality if he is not troubled by any illness.
  5. Experience an increase of energy level.
  6. Usually be amazed at what an intensive course with a master can bring to him (or her).



Fees are payable at the completion of the course only if the students are satisfied that all the set objectives have been fulfilled. They do not have to pay any fees if they say they are not satisfied.


Many people may amazed that quite a lot can be acheived within a comparative short time. This is possible because

One essential condition is required for participating in this Intensive Shaolin Chi Kung Course, and that is to uphold and practice the Ten Shaolin Laws. Please read and understand the Ten Shaolin Laws carefully. Application for the course is taken to be an indication that you have accepted this condition.

If you wish to read case histories please go to Some Examples of Remarkable Recovery.

Food, Lodging and Transportation

Students will have to pay for their own food and lodging, which are cheap by American or European standard. It is suggested that they stay at the chalets of the local country club, which has a scenic environment for training. A comfortable, air-conditioned room, with facilities of a swimming pool, a golf course and a restaurant serving both western and local food, costs about US 30 a night; and a delicious meal about US 5. .

The nearest airport is Penang, which is about an hour drive from the country club and the training ground. Arrangement can be made to fetch students to and from the airport.

It may be a good idea for studnets to spend one or two extra weeks travelling to other parts of Malaysia or other countries nearby, but they will have to do so on their own. Local travel agencies can provide travelling services, and the charges are comparatively cheap.


Studnets who are interested in the intensive courses are requested to e-mail the Secretary, Shaolin Wahnam or fax to 60-4-422 7812, stating

Other courses offered by Sifu Wong Kiew Kit

An overivew of Sifu Wong's answers to readers' questions may be viewed at OVERVIEW

Comments of Sifu Wong's teaching by his students and other people may be viewed at COMMENTS

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