February 2000
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since February 3, 2000.
All-time high weight: 256.4 lb Current weight: About 231 (been too busy for WW lately) Goal weight: 119 lb
February 23, 2000
According to my somewhat inaccurate scale at home, I am up about two or three pounds. I'm not too upset about that. What I am upset about is that I can't seem to get myself back on task. I am consumed with a kind of diet lethargy. I need something to pull me through this difficult period. (BTW, if you are selling a diet solution, I don't want to hear about it. I will succeed or not, but I guarantee you I will not purchase your diet plan so there is no need to contact me about it.)
For those of you keeping track of my teenage son problems, he is now officially a student at the Truth in Education Home School. (He named it. I wanted to call it Durham Alternative High School, which I thought sounded official, but he won.) He is looking for a part time job, because "school-to-work" will be an important part of this home school experience. He will have a tutor in Algebra II and we will also work on English III and U.S. History. This is a reading based program, which means he will read books that he has selected as well as some we recommend, and write about what he is reading. He will also do some integrated projects that incorporate Language Arts, History, and other disciplines. If things go well, we will add some other courses as we go along.
I'm getting a lot of interesting reactions from people. The main one is shock that we are willing to risk "wasting" his high school education. Let's face it! We can hardly do worse than he was doing already. If he can learn a few things this year and get excited about learning again, I will consider this a success. Already he has a perfect attendance record! And he can be validictorian.
As for my friend's son with cancer, he just finished his first round of chemotherapy. He continues to astound people with his attitude. As far as his health goes, however, only time will tell how successful the treatment is. I'll keep you informed.
I'm also very upset. I found out last night that my best friend's son has testicular cancer. He had a testicle removed, but they also discovered it had already metastisized to a lump in his abdomen. He is starting chemotherapy immediately, but it doesn't sound very good to me. Everyone is in shock. It kind of puts the problems I've had with my son in perspective. My son has had some difficulties with drugs, but I think he's worked through the worst of that now. He still struggles with school though, and particularly with finding his place in the world. But he'll be ok. He's not going to do it the same way everyone else does. In fact, he's making it all a lot harder for himself. However, he'll survive. I just pray that my friend's son will be so fortunate.
Email: rwelfare@mindspring.com
Copyright (c) 2000, Rhonda M. Welfare
Revised -- 2/23/00
URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/HotSprings/Spa/2171
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