September 17, 1998
For the second Thursday in a row I have forgotten to weigh myself. I imagine that's a Freudian slip, because I'm certain I haven't lost anything. In fact, I've probably gained.
On my one goal of drinking water, I've been kind of mediocre. I will continue to focus on that during the rest of September, which thankfully is half gone. I'm having a rotten month all around. It is still hot and hard to work up any enthusiasm for exercise. It's hard to work up enthusiasm for anything. I guess you can tell I'm depressed about this whole business.
September 3, 1998--225
Well, here I sit, stuck at 225. Someone sent me a note this week complimenting me on my persistence. I guess it's true. Not everyone would stay with something for a whole year that they had been as unsuccessful at as I am with this diet stuff.
My life continues to be incredibly stressful. This week my niece has been in the hospital. She was born last December, two months early and with lots of serious medical problems. This is the third time she has been in the hospital with seizures. This time they were so serious my sister called an ambulance to pick her up. They are probably going to put her back on phenobarbitol, which controls the seizures but makes her sleep all the time. Anyway, it is very worrisome and certainly contributes to my uncontrolled eating, but I can't blame it for everything.
Things are going much better with my son this week. We had the meeting on Monday that we've been trying to get scheduled since November and completed the paperwork to qualify him for LD services. Now we have to hammer out his IEP. He was cast as the "romantic lead" in the school play, which has improved his attitude about school immensely. He also worked out a bug in his schedule on his own. I think he was not only pleased with his solution, but proud that he was able to handle it alone. He is pretty timid, and he needs to learn to speak for himself.
Anyway, I'm going to continue to focus on drinking my water this month. When I feel like I'm doing a good job with that, I'll add one thing. I just have to think for a bit about what the next thing will be.
Copyright © 1998, Rhonda M. Welfare
Revised -- 9/3/98
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