Assistive Devices

A few words about


There's plenty of information available on the 'net about the ingenious devices that enable you to do a myriad things without some well-meaning but annoying "Good Samaritan" forcing his or her help on you without bothering to find out if you want it.

The AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) offers some very extensive information about assistive devices; who could use such devices, features to look for, paying for them, and so forth. This material is oriented more to caregivers, but it's useful in any case.

Possibly the best source for this kind of stuff is Assistive Devices, Inc.. Not only are there numerous items for problems you never thought of before, but there is also valuable background information and links to other useful sites.

NOVICOM INC. is a publisher of healthcare magazines that has at its website an enormous database of information, including addresses and phone numbers, for sources of assistive devices. One of the most annoying things about MS is that everyone is alone; symptoms are so numerous and varied that no two MSers have the exact same set of problems. But whatever your difficulties may be, you'll find information specifically relevent to your needs at this site.

Sometimes, you need equipment rather more complex, in which case you might try the homepage for Assistive Technology Products. This is the definitive source for all sorts of equipment; if you can't find what you're looking for, there's a search engine to simplify matters somewhat.

The state of New Jersey has a program called Technology Assistive Resource Program (TARP) for the benefit of people who are, to use that most profoundly stupid of euphemisms, "physically challenged." Let's face it, some of this stuff ain't cheap. TARP maintains a program for running online advertising for all sorts of helpful equipment, second hand.

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