Huntington's Scene In New Zealand |
Articles taken from September 2000 Huntington's News. The Quarterly Newsletter of the Huntington's Decease Associations of New Zealand |
Welcome To:
Richard Faull Our first Patron
Chris Lock Our new President
Robert Taylor, Virginia Hogg, Barbara Jacques, & Chris Ward; our new committee
Our information system is better organised easier to get what people need. As well
as the usual use of the office by the Association representatives and associates, we are
launching a new initiative starting in September.
Regular access to Beth & Barbara at the office, the first Wednesday of each month
10-00am to 2-00pm. Office phone 09-815-4264.
So find ways of using the office, us, and the resources. Anything from sharing a cuppa,
getting latest research data, talking or doing projects.
Further dates for 2000.
Recent and comings events/seminars
Committee meetings: Tuesday evenings 7-30pm. 11th July, 22nd August
and the rest yet to be set.
Facilitators : Virginia Hogg/ Beth Gordon.
30th September : Being at risk or gene positive sharing our successful
Facilitators: Genetic counsellors (to be confirmed)
End of year function: Sunday, 3rd December to be confirmed.
In your golden chain of friendship, consider me a link.