The Huntington's Scene In  New Zealand

Site Maintained by

Graham Taylor

My Reflections on Huntington  Disease

Life goes on day by day.

A good day is when the sun is shining, when everyone is happy, when things go right and you are feeling positive.

You set small goals and do them one by one.

Success is great.

On a bad day you are feeling glum.

Small things go wrong, but you are too proud to ask for help. Success is at arms’ reach but you can’t quite get it. You think you have failed, so the safest thing is to do nothing and hide.

All your helpers who you love have a life. You don’t want to get in their way.
Your emotions seem to have gone forever. It makes it so hard. You want to love and cherish, but can’t.

In your mind you have answers for everything because you don’t stop thinking.
But you just can’t get them out in time or in the right order and they are gone -wasted.

Your memory is like a grandfather clock that has a cog missing. It looks great on the outside, but it misses a minute one day, and then another day it misses two minutes and then the next day, three, and so on .....

Nobody notices at first, but you do.

You find solutions to your problems, make adjustments to compensate. You fool everyone until the problems get too big.

Trying to remember is a joke. You can laugh at yourself. "... write it down" they say. You try, but then you forget to do it.

Life goes on, can there be anything worse? No, HD has got a hold.

So make the best with what you have got. So smile and be happy. You may think that there is no tomorrow, that it will never come.

But there is hope around the corner.

Luck is nothing to do with it. Life is only what you make of it.

So, do something, anything, and keep smiling.

Where there is life, there is hope.

I am still the same person, with the same principles, same values, same heart.

God bless.
