The Home-Based Business

This program is officially titled Entrepreneurship, Mail Order, & Freedom.

Originally this program focused on the mail-order business. Dr. Weisbrod invested a substantial amount of time and money with catalogs, loss-leader programs, experimenting with mailing lists, and classified advertising. He has since divorced himself from the post office (on the promotion end) in favor of the internet.

There are a couple of categories of money-making systems. Many of us earn a living by working for someone else. Some prefer to earn a living by becoming an entrepreneur. A third approach to making money is one practiced by the "rich and famous." Characteristically, they maximize their wealth by "loaning out" that which is not needed for basic expenses, and charge interest.

Did you know that very few of the wealthy get their money by producing goods and services? They maximize the money they do accumulate, but beyond that, they use other people's money (opm) to bring in most of their wealth. They get their hands on as much opm as they can, invest it, and take a cut off the top; e.g., get a loan, buy property, sell at a higher price, and keep the profit. It's completely legal and moral to do this, and it's the principle found in many prosperity-type seminars. Buying and selling stocks and bonds are in this category.

This is not, however, the principle you will find in this program.

If, for you, production, marketing, and sales are the fun part of money making, you will enjoy this program. Approaches of opening a "store" for which you will pay almost no rent, and reach millions of customers will be covered. Of course a web site like this one is the most obvious but there are others. For an entrepreneur with some creativity, anyone with a computer or a mailbox is a potential customer.

To Order: email a request for the [home-based business] with your address. The program is $35 (statement sent with order) for (2) audio cassettes and a workbook. Tech support is provided. As all programs, it is unconditionally guaranteed. Simply return it for a full refund.


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© Carl Weisbrod 1997