Hi, I'm Goran and if you are reading this, you are in some way close to Leukaemia, writing an essay on it or just a top person who I asked to check out my site.
First of all, I want to dedicate this page to all the sufferers, survivors and the ones who have lost the battle against Leukaemia.
I have made this web page through first hand experience of Leukaemia and chemotherapy. Both are not nice things to go through and my aim is to help others going through the same thing.
I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia on the 27th of May 1997. Myeloid Leukaemia is strictly confined to the marrow. Another Leukaemia, called Lymphatic Leukaemia, affects the marrow as well as the Lymph nodes, which cleanse the blood. It also gets into the spinal column and into the brain. This is treatable, however, I'm going to talk about Myeloid Leukaemia.
As of the 7th of August, 1997, I am in remission and living a normal life once again eating junk food, sometimes, but also eating the good stuff.
This site is to provide an insight and perhaps a little inspiration and hope to others who may have this horrible disease or to someone who wishes to help a victim of this disease.

Please keep in mind, I am not a doctor and only use my web page as some sort of base for help to get through the treatment called chemotherapy and to somehow deal with Leukaemia.
I plan on keeping this page stacked with info, but, at the same time I will keep the info concise and to the point. It's amazing how much you can learn while you're in hospital listening to the doctors talking about what you have and what they can do.
One thing I really want to stress is this. I could not have gotten through this treatment without the support and love of my family and friends. People I haven't seen in 10 years got wind of my situation and did not hesitate to see me. Special thanks go out to my mother, Danica, whose support was, and still is, equal to none. I remember everything she did for me. Cooking meals every day and bringing them in so I didn't have to eat hospital food and especially sleeping in a chair in the hospital. One more special thanks goes out to my wife, Olga . Her support was incredible. Satisfying my cravings for food by walking to the shopping centre down the road and getting me the craziest things to eat, (by request) and then carrying the food on a tray back to the hospital. She is truly my soul mate and I love her very much.
My friends, Patricia, who went to the Caanes Film Festival and gave me the badge that allowed her into the Caane after-film party and actually walked within a few metres of Leonardo DiCapriao. Thank you for making the trip to see me and also thank you for the badge, I still have it. Matt, Victor, Sel with his blonde hair and big smile, Alicia(Victors wife and also Olga's sister), and especially Naomi and Lisa. Life long friends, guaranteed. David, who unfortunately lost the battle after going through the torture for 2 years. The biggest laugh in the hospital with his kangaroo fur hair. Anybody I missed, you know who you are and I am truly greatful for the rest of my life.
I have asked a few celebrities to sign my guestbook to show that there are people out there who care. I will soon make a page totally dedicated to these messages. I have asked the Australian model and actor, Annalise Braakensiek to sign my guestbook. It's there now. Thanks a million Annalise. (I hope I spelt your name right.) And speaking of beautiful women, Virginia Hey, whom you may know from Mad Max 2 and the new TV show called Farscape, has signed it too. Thanks Virginia!!
Something that put a big smile on my face, was a personally autographed photo of the actor and Martial Artist, Mark Dacascos. You may know him from the movies, Only the Strong (my favourite), The Island of Dr. Moreaux, and also from the computer game, Wing Commander IV. Thanks go out to him and his sometime email answerer, Robert Mark. Thanks for putting up with me.
Since I've been going to the gym, I've come to admire a few bodybuilders. One extraordinary man I've known online is Gunter Schlierkamp.
Finally, I would like to express my sincerest thanks and gratitude to the Haematology staff at Liverpool Public Hospital in Sydney Australia. They literally saved my life and I will be forever grateful to them for this. The doctors involved were:
Dr. D Rosenfield (A doctor with enough brain power to power a small country. You are a legendary doctor who knows how to get things done the EASY way)
Dr. Penny Motum (Another doctor with enough brain power to power a small country)
Dr. L Dunlop (I'll get you a computer game to run on your PowerMac you big kid)
Dr. M Harvey (who is addicted to doing marrow biopsies) And lastly but not least, Gavin Campbell. Thanks for being my friend when I was almost gone. For a registrar, you'd make a damn fine doctor.

I hope you find my site of valuable use.

And please remember, as the great singer, Jose Carreras has said,"Even if there is only a small chance of survival, that particular chance is yours and the one you fight for."

What exactly is Leukaemia?
What is a Bone Marrow Biopsy like?
The Septic Shock! What happens when a bunch of germs sneak up on you and say BOO!!!!
Chemotherapy, the life-saver!
You've got Leukaemia?? Where do you go from here?
You know someone who has gotten Leukaemia? This is how you deal with it.
Don't want to get Cancer? Of course you don't. So stop it from happening. READ THIS!!!!
Where are we going with future treatments?
What am I doing now?? Find out!
I am mostly a happy and cheerful guy, but there is one thing that makes me upset.

I would like to encourage anybody who visits my site to please sign the guestbook.

Or, if you would prefer email, click on the mailbox below. All emails responded to unless otherwise specified.

I have a pretty twisted cyber-friend who has her own website. Her name is Loriann and she was diagnosed with the same kind of Leukaemia that I had. To have a look at her twisted humour, point that mouse here and click.

A very impressive site about Leukaemia and Cancer in general is maintained by my friend Kim who has had a family member with Leukaemia. She stresses the importance of donating Bone Marrow because that can be a life-saver if the chemo doesn't work. Read her story, I'm sure it will turn you around if you don't believe in giving Bone Marrow to save a life.

A page with a wealth of information and support is found at Granny Barb and Art Flatau's Site. I recommend you check it out.

Here is a page dedicated to some celebrity people I admire for various reasons. I thank them for their time in signing my guestbook.

Jennifer's CA Award Page
SpeecheeOO's BC Awareness Page

Goran's Leukaemia Site --- In association with Amazon.com

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