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This is a summary of a CFIDS disability scale from The Doctor's Guide to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by David S. Bell, MD, published by Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-40797-2.


Patient has no symptoms at rest, no symptoms with exercise; has normal overall activity; is able to work full-time without difficulty.


Patient has no symptoms at rest, has mild symptoms with activity; has normal overall activity level. The patient is able to work full-time without difficulty.


Patient has mild symptoms at rest, symptoms worsened by exertion. Patient has minimal activity restriction noted for exertion activities only; patient is able to work full-time with difficulty in jobs that require exertion.


Patient has mild symptoms at rest. Patient clearly notes some daily activity limitation. Overall, the patient functions close to 90% of expected, except for activities requiring exertion. Ability to work full-time with difficulty.


Patient has mild to moderate symptoms at rest, with daily activity limitation clearly noted. Overall functions 70-90%. Patient is unable to work full-time in jobs which require physical labor, but has the ability to work full-time in light activity if hours are flexible.


Patient has moderate symptoms at rest, and moderate to severe symptoms with exercise or activity. An overall activity level is 70% of expected. Patient is unable to perform strenuous duties, but can perform light duty, or desk-work 4-5 hours per day, requires rest periods.


Patient has moderate symptoms at rest, and moderate to severe symptoms with exercise activity. The patient has an overall activity level of 50-70% of expected. Patient is not confined to house; is unable to perform strenuous duties, but can perform light duty/desk work 3-4 hours/day, but requires rest periods.


Patient has moderate to severe symptoms at rest, and severe symptoms with any exercise. Patient has overall activity level reduced to 50% of expected; is usually confined to house. Patient is unable to perform any strenuous tasks; is able to perform 2-3 hours of desk work per day, but requires rest periods.


Patient has moderate to severe symptoms at rest; is unable to perform strenuous activity. Overall, activity levels are 30-50% of expected. Patient is unable to leave house except rarely, is confined to bed most of the day, is unable to concentrate for more than 1 hour/day.


Patient has severe symptoms at rest, is bedridden the majority of the time. Patient has no travel outside of house. Patient has marked cognitive symptoms preventing concentration.


Patient has severe symptoms on a continuous basis, is bedridden constantly, and is unable to care for him/her self.


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