The Stone People

Copyright 1996.Faith Cuthrell. All Rights Reserved.



A basic and empowering use of astrology is to look at the cycle as if it were the Native American medicine wheel or the Wheel of Fortune card in Tarot. It teaches about human experience-from the signs of spring and learning about the Physical body (Direction in Native American thought-East) of Aries, Taurus and Gemini, to a the use of the adult faculties (direction South) and the lushness of summer in Cancer, Leo, and Virgo (all three signs make excellent parents, for example) the beginning of wisdom, recognition of a spiritual nature, and using of these skills for the common good, as the seasons bring the harvest in the fall (direction. West) found in Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius, to the fullness of Wisdom and the desire to rest with God as the depth of winter descends (direction, North) found in Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.


Stones, too, reflect this cycle. The Seneca call them "the Stone People" and feel each stone has its own personality. As such, we can "imagine" the most useful layouts for the healing of each sign. But there is more. Each sign is in itself, a complete lesson. If you are acting in a rash manner, the Aries layout might be helpful. If you feel you need more balance, turn to the Libra layout.


Please remember, these are lessons-stories to help you grow. No one is bound by a horoscope or natal chart unless they choose to be.




We begin with Virgo because of the symbology found in astrology and so many religions. From the Tarot card Wheel of Fortune-we have the animals in the four corners, and Sphinx at the top. There are the same four animals in the Bible, and, of course, the Sphinx herself in Egypt. Head of a woman (Virgo) body of a lion (Leo) representing the full cycle, harvest to harvest but also, the blending of spiritual and physical-the reason we are all here-to live in and enjoy the body, and to express our highest ideals as Children of God.


The lesson of Virgo





Virgo represents the harvest, the fullness of late summer, the use of the mental faculties, the strength of earth combined with the winged feet of Mercury. The natural empathy of the people of this sign combined with a mind capable of a fantastic grasp of detail can lead to wonderfully productive and capable parents  doctors, teachers, etc. or fall into the flip side of negativity, over-analyzation and perfectionism.  But All of us exhibit these traits to some degree!


Crystals can be used as friends, a good bridge to help us make the leap to the next place-they help resolve physical problems can be used to aid mental faculties, and as beautiful items of decoration. The love of all of these-mind, body, spirit-and natural beauty-are strong in the sign of Virgo.


This mental activity keys to the colors of light yellow and clear blue. Crown, third eye, and throat chakras are usually very open in Virgos. Consequently, we can use stones that amplify these strengths, and use others to create a balance.


The stone most often associated with people of this temperament is fluorite. Usually seen in its purple form, in tumbled stones or in carved figurines, it might surprise you to know it comes in every color of the rainbow-pink, blue, yellow clear, brown, and purple. It naturally grows in a double pyramid shape, and can also be found in large clusters (beautiful-they remind my of cities, or the inner boards of a computer) and in a polished sheet form with one edge covered in Chinese fluorite.)


Fluorite balances the brain processes clears the aura, increases mental acuity (I think this is because of the clear state and sense of peace it carries with it)


Use fluorite in the workplace, where it can help to ease the stress of the environment. Also a good one for your personal power bag or medicine bag. Carry one in your pocket, but keep it away from other stones. (Most stones should be wrapped in something so they do not chip or break) In layouts, purple fluorite is used on the third eye. Green and yellow can be used to bring this sense of peace into the heart (green) and solar plexus chakra (yellow). If you are a mental and spiritual person, feel spacey or unconnected from the b6dy, the gentle black and red stones can be used for balance (Virgos are critical of themselves most of all. the tremendous power of obsidian, elestial quartz, etc, may be too powerful for these souls. You want a safe feeling in the body, not more criticism.)  Use carnelian on the lower body (the yellow and red stones also soothe the stomach, the area often troublesome in Virgos.) and hematite on the first chakra and around the feet to help this feeling of being safe in the body. Selenite, quartz, or apophyllite can be used at the crown to amplify the connection to God and the Higher self.


Aim for a treatment time of twenty minutes; remove if there is any discomfort, however. People who live their lives in Service to others (as Virgos often do) usually respond well to the energy of stones. The stones, too are willing to give service.


The sign following Virgo is Libra. Indeed, one of the lessons of Virgo is to establish a balance between the physical life and spiritual life, caring for others and the self. As Libra establishes balance, the next lesson is the profound meaning underneath all things, and so we come to Scorpio.


Fluorite meditation.


Sit comfortably, back straight. Breath deeply and slowly, several times. Keeping the fluorite in your left or non-dominant hand, look deep within the stone, experiencing the beauty of the color and form before you. Now close your eyes and take this from within-see it with your inner eye (keep breathing, folks!) after a minute or so, open your eyes, gaze on the fluorite and repeat the process. Total-three times.


The Lesson of Libra


         The next of the great lessons from the wheel of life is that of Libra. As the harvest is gathered in, the weather cools and the first hint of winter appears with the falling leaves, so Libra is the place of balance-a time to stop, catch your breath, and consider the balance of things in your life.

        Libra is an air sign, and is ruled by Venus. This vibrates to a beautiful rose color. The promise of beauty begun in Virgo is completed here-and the ability to analyze all aspects of a situation. The ability to plumb the depths and understand is not present, however-that is the lesson of the power of will and the life force that represents Scorpio.

        Things male and female are already hinted at-with Libra concerned about partnerships, romance, and harmonious living (as compared to Virgo which is more attuned to learning about the self, and can make the Virgos appear distant or cold.)

       Libra is also, however, a cardinal sign. With great mental acuity and the need to lead, not follow, they sometimes are more worldly, business-wise, and generally not as "airy" as Gemini and Aquarius obviously, the balance suggests the scales of justice, and that indeed is another area your will find Libras successfully employing their skills.

       With all that said, it should be obvious that the mental areas, the throat chakra, the heart chakra and the lower chakras, to a lesser degree, are open in the Libras. We want to harmonize and balance the Libra (or those in a Libra lesson.) We also want to strengthen the kidneys (second chakra) and amplify intuition (third eye chakra)

       One of the great balancers, especially of male/female energy, is azurite/malachite. This beautiful deep green/dark blue stone is part of the group of stones connected to copper (Turquoise, Chrysocolla, Quantum, etc) it is soothing and strengthening when applied, to the third eye. It is also beautiful in jewelry and can be used in medicine bags or pouches, in one stone or by carrying a malachite and an azurite (the azurite balls are often a much lighter blue but seem to be as effective.) to continue this balancing effect in a healing layout, use the clear stones at the crown as discussed before-perhaps concentrating on the clear quartz instead of the other forms of white light as you want a clear, decisive connection to God. The subtler energies of Selenite might not be so effective-or could be "too much, too high."

        Turquoise or Chrysocolla at the throat-to amplify the beauty of the Libra voice-rose quartz at the heart to, again, just amplify their loving hearts a clear yellow citrine, sapphire or topaz at the solar plexus-to strengthen the will-and citrine or red jasper at the second chakra-to really work on clearing those kidneys-smoky quartz at the groin and feet. this will continue the purifying effects of the malachite. This layout will help remove toxins. A kyanite wand can be moved through the aura, gently please, to move and balance energy. it can cut like a laser, so if in doubt use a smoky quartz. Stuck or cold areas-move point clockwise over affected area. This should move the blocks, which malachite absorbs and smoky quartz dissipates. This layout can remain for fifteen to thirty minutes. Don't forget to drink a big glass of water after the layout! Stones that absorb, like this copper group, need special TLC after a healing. Smudge can clear the quartz group. Put your malachite, etc, in salt for at least a day. Throw the salt away after this. As the copper group of stones leaches in water and is poisonous, even the cleansing method of resting the stones on earth in the sun may be harmful to your plants, so be safe-contain these stones to cleanse them.



The lesson of Scorpio



          With Scorpio, you have an interesting dilemma. Tremendous will and life force, the ability to work harder than anyone else, maybe even a Capricorn, and the power of intuition in full measure. So, they are described as negative, stinging and generally evil. Well, it is hard to be one of the tougher people in life-but before you snigger about this sign remember something-EVERYONE IN A CRISIS SITUATION IS A SCORPIO.

         So if you run the bank account to zero before you walk away from the hubby, guess where your lesson is. Or if you find the power and the faith to survive cancer, guess what your lesson is. Scorpios thrive wherever their ability to work hard and organize efficiently are valued-researchers, bank officials, genetic research, raising animals, counselors, etc.

         All of us need this ability to deal in the physical from a spiritual understanding that Scorpio represents. The colors that are associated with them are blood red and purest white. Indeed, there is a specific lesson here-to blend the physical and the spiritual and to deal with people from the heart (pink). Only the power of love human and divine, leads the Scorpio to full expression of their talents. Their other symbol (besides the Scorpion) is the Eagle-the bird that, in Native American thought, carries prayers to Heaven. Indeed, the purging quality of Scorpio sets the stage for the next lesson-Sagittarius, the Archer in love with ideas and working in the world to save it.

Scorpios tend to have the lower chakras wide open, and the third eye, but may shut down everything else. To design a layout for Scorpio, the key is Tourmaline. Green tourmaline is an excellent heart healer, and black tourmaline has been used as a charm to ward off negativity.

Jewelry can be worn (tourmaline comes in many colors, even a lovely combination that looks like a sunset.) tourmaline has the piezoelectric to move electricity through it, longwise. It is therefore excellent for work on nerves, either stimulating of calming them down. Scorpios occasionally shut down sensation, or the lower chakras may need balancing. Tourmaline is, indeed a useful stone for anyone fighting survival issues (addiction, paranoia, cancer, etc.)

Start with a strong crown chakra opener-Selenite or apophyllite would be good choices. Amethyst at the forehead is good-it is a soothing stone and the water signs seem to respond well to it. Turquoise for the throat chakra, and then we come to the heart. Use three tourmalines, placed in a triangle. Two points on the upper chest and the third on the heart area itself. You want to encourage softening and expansion, and there are acupressure points along the breastbone and out towards the shoulders and arms. (Pink stones can go in the middle. Kunzite is another striated stone that works well with the tourmalines.) For the solar plexus, place a sugilite-a big piece, even palm size, if you can find one, rough or tumbled. Sugilite is a remarkably soothing stone, often used with cancer and aids victims. It is used in this sense to increase the feeling of safety and love over the will center, so that the Scorpio is less apt to strike out, or need to play games of control and power. On the lower chakras, we again want to encourage balance and the feeling of safety-so that the whole body is harmonized and Scorpio can act in the world with all that beauty they were born with. Bloodstone for the second chakra-it also purifies blood and can be helpful to the reproductive organs, the area of vulnerability in Scorpios, and the black tourmaline at the first chakra. Use smoky quartz or hematites to ground these energies into the body and to connect them to the earth. Encourage deep breathing for fifteen or twenty minutes or so, and watch for a release (a sigh, a part of the body quivering, etc.) Start removing stones, at the first signs or change, as you do not want to activate too much fear and reaction in anyone feeling everything is a life and death struggle. Amplifying the energy field does not take very long and the person is better off with short sessions than trying to rid them of all energy blockages in one massive dose of crystal work.


the Lesson of Sagittarius



          The Archer-full of ideas and enthusiasm. Loving people and ideas, yet blunt of speech. Certainly Santa Claus was a Sag! The Archers can be clumsy (Too busy looking at those arrows they are shooting everywhere) and can have fevers and other sudden ailments. They correspond to a beautiful sunny orange color. If distressed, they seem to fade into a purple or green aura, as if they are natural self-healers and seek a balance this way. The problem here is not so much "closed" chakras versus "open" ones, but there can be a strong energy block between the third and fourth chakras-the body not being connected to the heart and spirit. Some people get around this by too much sex, or overeating. According to Native American teachings, most adult Americans (traditional Caucasian upbringing) have this problem-we seem spacey and unconnected and don't have the connection to Mother Earth and our fellow humans that other cultures seem to have.

        If you are dealing with a Sag, they may insist the dog or cat comes to the healing. I would stop short of letting the horse in, however. They might try to bring friends too. You just have to be gentle but firm with them about boundaries. They see none. Having developed their will (Scorpio lesson) it really isn't worth it to get a Sag angry. Fire on top of all that strength is pretty potent. Fire is also the element of transmutation, and a necessary part of the human experience. Before the lessons of winter are entered into, of diamond hard will and application into the physical (Capricorn), the ideas have to be born. And Sag has a lot of ideas. Political ideas, humanitarian ideas, advertising ideas-they truly are movers and shakers in our world. We need them, desperately.

          First, you have to get them to agree you know what you are doing, and then you can begin your layout. Breathing exercises-to calm and balance, to aid focus, are essential with anyone of this type. My favorite is a Native American exercise. Close your eyes and breathe in deeply-all the way into your belly. Let the breath out through your mouth. Now, breathe in again, seeing yourself filled with the blue of the sky. Hold for a count of three, and release. Three breaths are usually enough.

        Anyone in a Sag lesson (an executive, a politician, the woman who runs the PTA, etc) needs to be fed energy, also, as they can be rather frazzled. Thus, apophyllite or Selenite at the crown (they can take all that white light. They thrive on their connection to God.) Amethyst at the forehead-the mother stone will be balancing to that overactive brain. Green calcite can be placed to either side, above the eyebrows, to enhance the effect. Chrysocolla or Quantum is soothing to sore throats; Sag is a mutable sign and loves to talk! They will enjoy the beauty of any of the blue stones. Whatever is your most powerful healer in this color range will be useful. Aventurine at the heart-they need to take those fiery hearts and bring that love more into the physical. Topaz or yellow citrine on the solar plexus chakra, and the carnelian on the second chakra. They can use a purger on the first chakra, as they may be unbalanced here. Obsidian works well, and the hematites around the feet. An elestial in each hand will further the effects of the obsidian and amplify the purifying energy we are building (any smoky stone, which means it has been irradiated while in the earth, works well with frazzled brains and nerves it helps to clear away the excess energy we are all subject to these days.)

      Carnelian is an orange form of quartz, usually found in tumbled stones. A stone of courage, family, and all the things represented by Sag, they will respond well to the energy of this stone. It is perhaps a humbler form of the quartz family, but that is a lesson Sag's need as well. They don't have to be in the spotlight 100% of the time.

        The layout needs to be accompanied by breathing and/or a centering exercise. Have the patient visualize a white line of light coming form their crown down through their body. Remember to keep the mind of the Sag engaged so that the energy of the stones can be utilized by them instead of frittered away with verbalization and mental leap-frogging. As these are people of high energy they can take a half hour layout-but ALWAYS watch the client and remove stones if there is distress. This sign, in particular, will need to be made to lie quietly for 15 minutes and allowed a large glass of water afterwards. If you are dealing with a Sag in depression (fairly common) go gently-using all the bright, optimistic, cheerfully colored stones but dropping the elestial use and substituting clear quartz. If you do hands on healing, laying hands on the feet and allowing the God Energy to flow from feet all the way to the crown can be of great benefit. (It will not excite them too much in this way.)



The Lesson of Capricorn


         Capricorn-the goat, who usually forgets the other half of their sign-water and spirit as represented by the mermaid's tail. Meant to work in both worlds, spiritual and physical, life often becomes a contest of will and determination. But if anyone can defeat the universe, it is Capricorn.

        The colors associated with this sign are brown and bright white. Brown is the color of the earth- a healthy glow and in no way negative or evil. The white is the diamond, tough and beautiful, that each Capricorn represents, and the clear connection to God they were meant to have. The strength and depth of winter-of the fullness of lessons are present in Capricorn.

          Anyone having to play a father role or who is building a business (aka empire) surviving war or divorce or other catastrophes, is in a Capricorn lesson. The key is to allow the love to flow through you-to connect to Mother Earth and to God-rather than trying to be the only mover and shaker in the universe. Remember, No man is an island.  You aren't supposed to do everything alone, or be in control of the whole world.

           Once the mastery of the physical is completed in this sign, we move into the electric and intuitive sign of Aquarius-those who serve humanity by pouring out the water (Spirit.) Our beautiful, earth bound, strong Cappie friends need a reminder of this path-then they can go back to building the physical supports for the rest of us, being the strong shoulders to cry on, the elders and fathers and leaders we all instinctively know they are.

     Capricorns can have every mental center and every will center open (rear or back) and every feeling center closed (front of body.) The key to Capricorn is amethyst. As amethyst is a mother stone, and an intuitive stone, so she balances and harmonizes the Capricorn energy. We build the layout from this point, by using as many green and gold stones as possible-earth signs respond well to these colors (remember, pentacles, the "earthy" part of the deck in Tarot, is loaded with green on its court cards.) golden citrine at the crown, amethyst at the brow, blue lace agate at the throat, tourmalines and green calcite, in a spiral pattern if you have enough stones, at the heart, and the citrines and obsidian on down the body. Sometimes, they don't need grounding, but instead need the Selenite or clear quartz in the hands. Encourage visualization of white light in the center of their bodies-connecting them to God and to Earth. As the energy stabilizes, remove the heart stones and place rose quartz-crystals if you have it, for better energy flow-on their heart. Encourage them to feel the energy, to release emotional trauma, instead of locking it into their bodies. A layout of 30 minutes is often needed with this type of person.

Jewelry made of amethyst and rose quartz would be useful to anyone with Capricorn traits.


the lesson of Aquarius


         The Aquarian, the Water Bearer-one of the least understood signs, even though we are now entering the Aquarian age!

           Aquarians do service for mankind-just by being, sometimes. They pour out the knowledge of Spirit, of the future, into our hands. Usually, they are misunderstood, called dreamers and eccentrics. They teach parity and equality, but can fall into the traps of their nature; as a fixed air sign they want order and control, so can be bossy, arrogant, and sometimes seem to live in their heads. Part of this is the Capricorn cycle they still respond to; part of it is the lack of surrender to God they will have to wait to experience in Pisces. Once again, as a air sign, they are the realm of the mental which allows the thoughts to be expressed that will become the belief system that Pisces will present to the world. Unique, far-seeing, able to function in many different levels-they really do make fine astrologers and psychics, but can also be bookkeepers, executives-any job where picking up new information is needed, or dealing with a group of people.

     The colors of Aquarius are cobalt blue and purple. Whenever I think of Aquarius, I think of beautiful, clear, electrically magnetic blue eyes. They are indeed tuned in to the "higher frequencies." They need soothing of the nervous system, and care for their great hearts, which can be overburdened. Like Sagittarius, they also can damage the legs and feet. Awareness of the body and of their own needs is part of the purpose of this layout. As with Libra, all chakras may be open in these people.

Anyone dealing in the psychic realms, extremely mental in orientation but seeming at times unconnected, or who deals with groups a large percentage of the time, can be said to be in an Aquarian lesson.

The centerpiece of the layout is lapis-the dark blue stone that lives in legend-connected to the priests of Egypt and of Israel, a stone of profound understanding of mysteries. Worn as jewelry, it can even be found in a form called denim lapis-a light shade that is quite lovely and not as intense as the darker stones, for layout work. (Yes, you can use pieces of jewelry in layouts turn the stones in the piece to the body, so that contact with the mineral is made. Always smudge before and after layouts as jewelry picks up so much energy from its owner.)

Lapis is placed on the third eye or forehead chakra. Its purpose is to help the person with understanding the depth of the mysteries of life. Any of the clear stones at the crown-with the Egyptian connection in mind; a clear fluorite double pyramid would be useful also. Turquoise at the throat-we need the more protective stones incorporated, as lapis is truly a powerful stone. Rose quartz on the heart-either crystal or several tumbled stones-for its healing qualities. The clearer the stones used on the lower chakras the better-because Aquarians are such high frequency people-yellow topaz, ruby, and obsidian. Smoky quartz and hematites packed around the feet, ankles, knees and even hips, will do much to ease the complaints about not feeling the body, having accidents, etc. Watch closely-response is unpredictable. They may absorb the energy of the stones beautifully, or only be able to take ten minutes or so. Allow them to communicate how they are feeling-being of such a psychic nature, they are pretty good judges of how the work is going.


Make them rest for at least 15 minutes afterwards. Any of the meditation techniques that can help promote calmness, would also be of benefit.


the lesson of Pisces


Rose quartz


"Weak, natural victims, apt to use drugs"-what are we to make of the sign with no real strength of its own, being instead the final integration of the lessons around the wheel of life?


Remember that these people often have past life recall, are often psychic, willingly serve others, and can draw on all the strength of their connection to God, and you begin to have a better idea of what they are all about. Sometimes courage and strength are not expressed on the battlefield, but in the quiet refusal to respond to violence of any kind. Some of them may self medicate, truly-with drugs and sex and food, but it lacks the intensity, the death-wish, found in Scorpio.


Like Gemini, Libra, and Cancer, there is a duality present. Teaching Pisces to work within the duality (to accept all experience, instead of labeling things events and people "good" or "bad" ) towards wholeness, and be their own gentle, miracle-working selves, can be accomplished, but only at the pace they can accept.


Pisces will serve, as a doctor, an herbalist, a priest, a prostitute, or any place else where they can help show the rest of us the lessons of life. Anyone dealing with codependence or abuse issues, or lack of self worth, can be said to be in a Pisces lesson. they need to remember the fire and love of life of Aries, the strength and persistence of Taurus, the love of mental play of Gemini-and on around the wheel. for, truly, Pisces can call on the inherent strength they have within to accomplish great things.


Pisces carries with it the colors of the sea-teal and azure blue. Pisces will have most of the feeling centers open (front) and the higher chakras open; will centers (along the back) may be noticeably closed and the "cut the body in half' block may be present. they can be concerned with their feet and their lungs. The center of the healing layout for Pisces is rose quartz. With the softness of its color, it can open and heal the wounded heart. It is the only stone safe to give to anyone, no matter how unaware of energy and self they may be. Closely related to amethyst and clear quartz, it can be found as crystals tumbled stones, cut for bookends and jewelry, or as rough.


The rose quartz goes on the heart chakra and in both hands (expect Pisceans to accept energy through both hands-as a water sign, the fluid balance can be a little different, even if they are right-handed, and they can have the traits of the ambidextrous person) point smokies, with good clean points, to carry energy-directly at the bottom of the feet, to draw grounding from the Mother (Earth) and use double terminated quartz between the chakras, if you have them. Pisces is quite literally "in the flow" and needs more interaction in the layout. Selenite-sheet or laser form, is a good crown opener, without focusing too much on the energy as some of the other clear stones would promote (Pisces would like to go home to God. They need to remember to finish their journey here on Earth first.) Azurite on the third eye to encourage them to remember their own intuitive power. Turquoise, the protector, on the throat, to encourage them to speak up for themselves. Citrine-one that feels strong to the healer's hands-to help strengthen the will center-the solar plexus. Strong red agates on the second chakra,  hematites on the first chakra.


Encourage deep breathing, and a sense of self acceptance, and peace.



the lesson of Aries


Lar imar




Aries-the newness of spring, the imagination of youth, the boldness of fire. Certainly, everyone knows an Aries-in deed if not in sign!


This sign corresponds to the color red-to an aura filled with the life force. They are leaders and can be found in many walks of life where' they can play out this need. They can act too impulsively, however-life with too much 'gusto,' perhaps.


the chakra centers are mostly open in this sign; we want to work at stabilizing and cooling down all that fire energy. Literally, they have to "keep their cool" so as to not injure their heads! Intuition needs to be strengthened so they can look ahead; their connections to Earth (love of the body), Heart (love of others) and God (crown Chakra, connection to the Divine) need to be amplified to continue on their path. They are the fire of new life that will lead to the first lesson in manipulating the physical world found in Taurus. Often, they forget the Pisces lesson of service, and connecting to God, yet they do live out in simple, sweet, childlike faith the Pisces motto "I believe."


The layout is centered in a beautiful pale blue stone called Larimar. Found in the Dominican Republic, it can be purchased in jewelry and in tumbled stones. It is truly a baby blue color, and soothes the emotions in general. Wearing rings of this stone to help cool reactions between people works well. We continue, after placing Larimar in the hands or on the throat chakra, to build lots of blue and green into this layout. Apophyllite-green if you can find it-can go on the heart. Clear quartz at the crown, Amethyst at the brow, yellow citrine at the solar plexus, clear red stones, if you have them, for the navel-ruby or garnet.-fire agate is also useful. Obsidian, being volcanic glass, is quite a good choice for the first chakra, and hematites can be placed at the feet to ground all this energy. If an Aries has decided this is the healing they want, you really don't need to be trying to control too much at this point. As a matter of fact, they will resent it. Asking them to watch for a color or symbol is useful as it will help to have them carry something with them as a reminder of how they felt during the healing-how peace and balance feels.




the lesson of Taurus





Taurus-earthy, delighted in the world of the senses, liking the home life and security. Ruled by Venus, they can have fine sensibilities about beautiful objects, and are noted for their sensuality and their rich voices. Too much food is not good for people of this type, as too much living in the physical can make them too "dense," that is, unaware of their spiritual origins. Thus, we want to reestablish  the connection to the God force.


Taurus corresponds to the color green. They may be blocked in the will centers but open on all the feeling centers. Crown and third eye chakras may be blocked. Being "stuck in a rut" is a common complaint; the heart chakra usually needs balancing, too. Once they regain their world vision and feel it in their hearts, they can express the great ability to deal with the physical world they were born with. Bankers, builders, housewives, executives, scientists-any place where strength and stamina are needed suits Taurus. They seem unaware of their Aries lesson, or are unwilling to access the fire within. The need for verbalization and freedom of Gemini is also lacking-they are themselves, basic, sturdy, strong, and of course, occasionally stubborn, to their own detriment. Anyone with issues with body image or weight, complaining of a lack of a spiritual path, or just plain lacking spark, may be in a Taurus lesson.



Apophyllite-somewhat like quartz, somewhat like selenite, is a beautiful, clear crystal, with an interesting pyramidical shape, somewhat like fluorite. Cut in half, these crystals resemble little temples-with diamond or triangular faces, sometimes twinning-every one is unique. They seem to carry the white light vibration easily, and are a definite plus for any crystal person to work with.


Apophyllite at the crown, Azurite (a powerful third eye opener) at the forehead, turquoise at the throat, Unakite-a balance of pink and green energy, and soothing-at the heart, citrine at the solar plexus (to strengthen their will power and balance them, helping to rid them of the need for too much food and drink.)  Jasper at the navel and smoky quartz at the groin. A better way to ground these types is with clear quartz points aimed at the feet (facing the soles) this will ensure it is God energy being accepted and not more earth energy, which is usually abundant.


Expect to have to leave the stones for a half hour or more, as they have tremendous ability to absorb (or block) energy. Peaceful music, perhaps light boxes or incense, is of great benefit when working with this type of person.





the lesson of Gemini






        Gemini-the Twins, who love to talk, who love both romance and freedom, who deal with ideas as easily as other people deal with mundane physical parts of life. Quicksilver (Mercury) does indeed describe them. Having mastered-perhaps wallowed in-the physical (Taurus lesson) they take lessons and make them ideas-and ideals-that will be expressed by that most intuitive and motherly of the water signs, Cancer.


Gemini corresponds to the colors of pale blue and silver. Literally, they are the first breath of air around the wheel-the first hint of mental and spiritual destinies to come. Geminis can be writers, salesmen, and the like-just never anything that is boring!


The nervous system can suffer with all that energy, and therefore many areas of the body can be affected. There can also be a block just below the throat chakra-a lack of connection to the body. Anyone who has nervous exhaustion, talks all the time, almost obsessively, or has a dual life can be said to be in a Gemini lesson.


The key for Gemini is to get them into the body. this is most easily accomplished with hematite. hematite-a beautiful silvery-looking stone often used in jewelry, is an iron ore. And this is just what the Gemini needs! We will pack that hematite around the feet, on the first chakra, in the hands. A gentle crown chakra stone-golden citrine or quartz-is preferable as you want to stabilize energy, not raise it too much. Blue stones and clear quartz will balance out these energies-and the rose quartz at the heart. It may take quite a while for this layout to work as Gemini can have so many moods!




the lesson of Cancer


Smoky quartz


Cancer-intuitive, crabby, motherly, clingy-changeable as the moon. Intelligent, loving, emotional, capable! Quite a lot for one body to have to handle. Besides the changing moon (a good guide to the changeableness of these people) it helps to remember that there are two parts to the glyph for cancer, and that they are indeed as dual as Gemini, Pisces, and Libra. They, however, rove sideways, back and forth, until they finally decide to move forward. Security is very much an issue, and so they move, present different views, try to get the people or situation of such concern to make an obvious pattern they can understand.


Using their intuition would be a good start. Trusting in the safety of the universe would be another. They make wonderful bankers, cooks, mothers (even if they are male) gardeners-any job where nourishment and growth  are needed to do well. The extreme self discipline of Scorpio is already present, to a degree, in this first of the water signs. They are the Mother as Capricorn is the Father. They can be as talkative as Gemini, the lesson just before them, and as arrogant as Leo-having not yet lived out that lesson. This sign is one of great, though often untapped, strength.


This sign keys to the colors of white and lavender-consider the flag, red white and blue(which, combined are lavender), that is so prominently displayed around the time of our nation's birthday? The combination tells you much about the nature of Cancer, and of our country's greatest strengths and weaknesses. Anyone having trouble releasing a relationship, mood swings, money issues or issues with the parents, can be said to be in a Cancer lesson. All the chakras can be open here-sometimes too open, as if they are leaking energy.


We build this layout from the first chakra, that is, with smoky quartz. Smoky quartz is a naturally irradiated stone, one that got "cooked" while in the earth. It has strong empathic qualities, and helps to dissipate negative energy. Elestials are often smokies, as are some forms of selenite. it is soothing even to those with cancer, drug problems, etc.


Smokies or elestials can go in the hands, smoky points at the feet, and a smoky chunk or cluster on the first chakra. Some have citrine in them, making this a lovely combination for the solar plexus also. Crown chakra can have selenite, amethyst on the brow, blue barite or calcite on the throat (safety, and connection to the earth are being stressed) green calcite on the heart, and a moonstone with some yellow or pink to it on the second chakra, filling out this layout. Any of the feldspar group, including labradorite, can replace the others if the stones feel right as you are doing the layout.


Cancers may respond very fast to the stones. 15 minutes should be enough. Music will be well accepted, and the more soothing the environment, the better.





the lesson of Leo






Royal, proud, strong, full of the energy of the sun itself, excellent parents and pillars of the community. Fully having developed the ability to work in the world, to draw to themselves that which they need, to have a home life and a work life. They even give good advice.


They may, however, get very "centralized;" that is, seeing themselves as the Sun and people as just satellites around them. Just like the Cancer lesson, letting go can be difficult, and will result in the hypersensitivity and inward-looking view of Virgo.  But to be so full of life and light, and able to give to others, is not a combination to be dismissed lightly. Given credit and respect for their mighty hearts, they are awesome indeed.


this sign keys to the color golden yellow. Warmth is their very nature. Most of the chakras can be open, but the feeling centers may be shut down if they have suffered the loss of a relationship, job, or home. Heart chakra can be very static and need soothing in this case.


Anywhere they can be central stage, in control, and have something of importance to do, will satisfy Leo. Entrepreneur, actor, church secretary, they indeed will bring the harvest home. this is the reason they are the last of our life lessons to be discussed. Anyone with active heart problems, problems with "empty nest syndrome," or changing careers, can be said to be in a Leo lesson. ALL of us, at times, get stuck in ego, or thinking our public face is all there is to us, instead of us being spirits who use the ego to help us negotiate the world?


We will base this layout on a beautiful stone, Sunstone. It has flashes of color as you move it in different ways, and is used in jewelry as well as being sold as little "nuggets." This will go on the solar plexus, to balance and refine one's will, or ability to deal with the world. Follow with golden citrine at the crown-they respond well to the God force as a golden light-azurite on the brow to re-awaken intuition, turquoise at the throat, Unakite on the heart (two tourmalines to form the triangle if you deem necessary) and any of the beautiful red stones at the second chakra. Hematite is probably best on the first chakra. This is enough stones for Leo-as a fire sign you really don't want to build too high an energy, rather awaken them to respect for others, and for their own bodies. Twenty minutes may be enough.





Crystals Useful for All Beings







Kyanite, Blue


Kyanite, Black


Tourmaline, Black




Ajoite in Quartz


Clear Quartz










Align and protect aura




Disperse Negativity




Immune system, heart


White light


Soothing of emotions


Strengthens and calms