We are 'twin souls'. What is usually referred to as soul mates. We met through an amazingly twisted set of circumstances four years ago in Boise Idaho and we've been delirious ever since.

Starwomyn took a fall in the studios in the eighties and was told by her M.D.'s that she had osteoporosis and she would probably be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Fortunately she did not believe them and sought alternative methods of healing. She was led by the spirits to the teachings of White Eagle and to a man named Stanley Burroughs. Today she is more active than people half her age and a testament to the fact that we have everything we need to heal ourselves of anything.

I have been on my spiritual path for as long as I can remember. One of my early spurs was a wonderful Presbyterian minister in the church I grew up in. Jake was one of the most down to earth and caring individuals I have ever had the fortune to encounter and I honor him here. I also encountered the works of Richard Bach: Jonathan Livingston Seagull was the first, and it really widened my horizons. It set me on search that hasn't ceased to this day. I do however, search in different ways these days, I used to wander this country by thumb for about six or eight months out of every year. My wanderings led me to study and observe many things. I am a devoted student of human behavior and I am working on a book about discovering just what your version of human nature might be and then proceeding to practice it. I've also studied herbal healing for about the last ten years.