Questions answered about autism

Ida Basso - Romeo Lucioni



Here are some questions we received on our Network and the answers given by our "experts".

1 - What is autism?

It is a disease affecting psychological and mental development: some children (4-5/10,000) has difficulties in realizing what is happening around them, but also in understanding sensorial information. These troubles prevent them from appropriate social relationships and behaviour and good communication.

2 - Which are the main features of autism?

The seriousness and the level of autistic troubles remarkably change according to the patients, but we can generally notice:

3 - Why do several doctors and specialists reckon that autism is an organic disease?

This problem is not easy to solve, but we must take into account that, unfortunately, x-fragile, down epileptic and mental inadequate patients are considered as autistic, but these cases should be definitely separated. All these syndromes must be distinguished because they have completely different clinical, psychodinamic and psycho-evolutive features.

In autistic autism in the hiperkinetic and symbiosis psychosis we cannot remark any neurologic deficiency.

4 - How important is facilitated communication?

Among all techniques of rehabilitation, FC plays a foundamental role: it allows us to "give words back" to autistic patients, who can acquire, in this way, a means of expressing themselves. Even the australian psychologyst Rosemary Crosseley, the inventress of this method, remarked that FC is not a therapy, but a way to re-establish communication. This supports several observations that emphasize the importance, for autistic children, of a therapy which allows them to socialize.

5 - Which are the causes of autism?

The etiopathogenesis of this disease affecting psychological and mental development is much debated because some specialists think it is a genetic disease, others remark that it shows cerebral malformations (limbic lobe, frontal cortex, encephalic trunk), some emphasize alteration of neurotransmitters (lately: endorphins). Then some researches prefer thinking it is a psychological trouble, mainly caused by emotional problems in the first relations with their mother.

More global reflections consider that autism is a disorder which starts precociously, when biological system (the brain: e.g. the development of frontal cortex is accomplished between the 18th and the 24th month) and psychological and mental processes are both coming to maturity. Consequently, autism may be a complex disease, (it is psychological, neurological and biological) in which errors or delays in biological development interfere with the psychological and mental one. As a result, the first relationships are alterated and cause "short circuits" or "vicious circles" which can hardly be overcome, unless we use a therapy aimed at reorganizing the first phases of the formation of ego.

6 - Do autistic patients get any advantage of the quarrel between organicism and psychologism?

This is one of the embarassing and annoying questions which are often asked to the specialist by relatives or people we occasionally meet. As a dilemma, this problem is not only unsoluble, but it cannot be faced. Too many items and consequences should be analysed, but, on the other hand, the question is not asked by the patients, who would wonder: "What do I have to do about my autism?". This is the question, so the real problem is: "What can we do for these children?"

This question made us say in a recent meeting: "I have a dream! Making autistic children come out of their black hole, so that they can find the light shining over us all which unites us in a universal perspective, beyond any disablement and handicap".

7 - Is a therapy enough to cure autism?

Our expectations, related to the application of the E.I.T. (Emotional Integrated Therapy), remark that a therapy is not enough to solve the problem, though it is essential in order to recover psychic functions and to start rehabilitation. This is not different from what happens in any other psychotherapy, but also in any psycho-pharmacological intervention. Social introduction and the possibility to bear the impact of relationship with other people always affect the results firstly.

This therapy leads to:

These opportunities offer autistic children a wide range of social activities, which really lead them to improvement, rehabilitation and possible global re-integration.

8 - When is it necessary to start a therapy to cure autism?

When a child shows his relationship problem to his mother (he does not look in the eye, he stays in the same place for a long time, he is not attracted by toys, he does not take part in his brothers and friends’activities the development of language is delayed, he shows inadequate reactions to stimuli) he must be visited by a specialist, in order to have a precocious diagnosis and to carry out a therapy as soon as possible. This is also useful to confirm the diagnosis and to identify mental functions which are related to symptomes.

The main problem is language; a precocious and specific therapy allows us to obtain the bases to start logopedia in order to make rehabilitation easier (see Facilitated Communication and Hippotherapy) and encourage introduction into school.

9 - What do repeated movements mean?

These procedures are considered as self-stimulating or self-erotic activities. Even though this interpretation cannot be confirmed, we can say that repeated movements are a request to maintain "objects" in a specific place. Autistic patients are anguished by all "modifications", so repetition is the same as maintaining an object. As a result, it is reassuring because it allows them to acqire a certain degree of self-consciousness.

10 - Does the mother cause her child’s autism?

She surely does not, but autism is an extremely complex problem that must be faced, no matter how it is observed. Consequently, the specialist must control it regularly as he carries out the therapy, and lead activities to encourage education and rehabilitation.

11 - Have autistic children got feelings?

We must make a distinction between affections and emotions. Autistic patients are particularly emotional (they show free emotionality, they are unable to contain emotions); anxiety, anguish frustrations and terror are typical of them.

Autistic children’s problems concern affective area (values): we can notice lack of reciprocity and of gratefulness; then they are unable to realize other people’s expectations and take them into account.

12 - Is playing therapeutical?

Playing has a therapeutical function if it is used for a specific purpose, but autistic patients, as all children, have the right to use or not leisure activity to obtain self-satisfaction, freedom of initiative and the most useful "source" to acquire the ability of socializing.

13 - Can autism be treated?

The answer is "yes", but we should not only focus on education; we should aim at functional recovery, appropriate behaviour and social integration, which can be obtained thanks to integrating therapy

14 - What do we have to do to encourage introduction into school?

The aim of this therapy is to help autistic children acquire the necessary bases to be introduced in compulsory school efficaciously and with profit. Parents must play an active role in this programme with the therapist and the teachers, discuss about progress and successes, accept suggestions. They must involve all family members to carry out a socialization programme, which is at the basis of a real integration.

15 - Which is the incidence of autism?

The numbers we report on this subject vary from 4-5/10,000 to 20/10,000.

According to an interesting data, which at present has still to be examined, the incidence among people taking thalidomide (the medecine pregnant women took in the 60s to cure nausea,which caused several defomities) is 5%. This index is thirty times higher than among women who did not take that medecine.

Nowadays the biological basis of autism has not been proved yet; in addition we must take into account that four autistic children out of five are male. Autism has the same incidence all over the world, regardless of race, nationality and social class.

16 - Is autism a genetic disease?

We have no proofs of the genetic origins of autism, even though recent studies remark the presence of focuses: these are responsible for slight alterations in the structure of encephalic trunk.

17 - Why do some autistic patients stand aloof, passive, retired, while others are hyperactive?

These are actually different forms of autism, the autistic one and the hiperkinetic which forms, with symbiosic syndrome, a specific trilogy. It may explain why the disorder of psychological and mental development can start in different moments, more or less subsequent, of children’s evolution.

18 - Can autism be cured and not only treated?

Several concomitant facts modify psychologic and pathologic course of autism, but it is always possible to obtain excellent results for what concerns social integration, emotional development, control of emotions and of problematic attitudes.

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