trance- formations   Richard Bandler and John Grinder’s TRANCE-formations is a course in hypnosis, using NLP as the technology by which it is communicated. Alternatively it is a course in NLP, using hypnosis to teach it. So much of the Milton Model (one of the first NLP models, discussed in Patterns I and II) is nowadays called NLP that much of what you receive when you buy TRANCE-formations is an excellent introduction to much of NLP installation.

I remember when I first starting reading TRANCE-formations. It wasn’t so long ago, and yet I knew very little about how to actually do hypnosis. Later, I’d train with Richard, along with Michael Breen and Paul McKenna (see McKenna-Breen). There I learnt (as you will when you read this book) that you’ve already experienced trance in any number of common daily situations – from watching television to reading a book, from swimming to driving a car. When I first read this book, I found out how simple it is to realise when you’re in a trance, and how often you and everyone else goes deeply into trance. Once you realise how common trance is, you begin to find it much easier to allow others to get into that trance state to help them to use the power of their own mind.

Much of what is taught in courses that deal with hypnosis as an application of NLP can be found in TRANCE-formations – perhaps the first of all of them. I remember Paul McKenna telling us on of the first trainings I did about the trainer of a previous course. He said that when Richard Bandler amongst others was studying Milton Erickson, one of the things that he heard from Milton do is to tell stories. He’d even tell stories about stories, if he saw fit. And hidden from view, but within the stories would be the meaning that he wanted to impart. One of the first patterns that all the students learnt, one that TRANCE-formations goes into much detail about, is overloading. This includes stacking realities, although other kinds are mentioned. Some of the inductions are called ‘advanced’ and some ‘simple’, but really, TRANCE-formations is advanced hypnosis for beginners. The next question most courses deal with is once someone is in trance, what do you do next? And indeed Trance-formations also deals with this in detail, including a wide range of possible 'utilizations' of trance.

You'll find the book easy to read, a transcript of a number of seminars patched together as one. A number of people have said that they found TRANCE-formations easier to read than other similar edited books (for instance Frogs Into Princes or Reframing).

Overall, highly recommended for simple, quick and effective learning of hypnosis.

Trance-Formations : Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Structure of Hypnosis John Grinder and Richard Bandler Buy this book


Last updated: 20 October 1997

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