Hi! My name is Tammy. Welcome to my place on the net. I have a variety of interests including traveling,  fitness, sewing crafts, and scrapbooking. I also enjoy dancing, hiking, and other outdoor fun.

I am a graduate of
Utah Valley University with a B.S. in Accounting and a B.S. in Business Management.  I currently run my own accounting/ bookkeeping business. Visit my website at www.nudayinc.com.  I am also the Accountant for The Boys & Girls Clubs of South Valley.

Of course I can't leave out the most important part of my life... my kids! Amber is 20, Jacob is 17, and EmmaLee is 14. They are the kind of kids that make parenting easy. I am very proud of their self-motivation and drive to accomplish their goals. My son was recently selected as Sterling Scholar in math at his school, and has already received several scholarships. My daughter graduated from high school with a perfect 4.0 and has been going to college on scholarships.  She has been on her own since she was 17 and has done very well.  She wants to go on an LDS mission when she turns 21. Click on the links below to see some family photos.

2003 (High School 20 year reunion)

Don't forget to check out some other great links while you are here. Services, hobbies, and more! Please come back soon and don't hesitate to email me.

last updated 4/6/2009
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