Warren County EMS

Warren County, Tennessee

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Director - Leonard Madewell, EMT-IV

Warren County EMS (WCEMS) serves the area of Warren County, TN. Warren Co. is located in eastern middle Tennessee, between I-24 (exit111) and I-40 (exit 288). WCEMS has one building, located in McMinnville, which contains a 7-bay garage, living and sleeping facilities, and offices. WCEMS operates four ACLS ambulances with a spare for back-up purposes. WCEMS staffs on a 24 hour/48 hour 3-shift rotation with 13 full-time Paramedics, 13 full-time EMT-IV's, and numerous part-time medics and EMT-IV's.


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For additional information:

Warren County EMS, Magness Drive, McMinnville, TN 37110

(931)473-6325 or (931)473-3929

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