Scitec Nutrition Product Line

Coming Soon !!

Creatine Products

Creatine Pyruvate: Creatine monohydrate bonded with pyruvate. It's not simply a mix of the two. Exclusively from Scitec Nutrition ! 700mg/caps (420mg Creatine/280mg Pyruvate), 100 caps/bottle

Creatine Monohydrate Powder 100g, 300g, 500g, 600g, 1000 g

Creatine Monohydrate capsules 120 caps, 250 caps

Createc 800g: Creatin Transport System with high-glycemic carbs and 5g of creatine per serving.

Creatine Mass 975g: Weight gainer with 5g creatine added per serving

Weight Gainers

Mass                2,27 kg/4,55 kg: Basic weight gainer

Volumass 10    0,9 kg/4,1 kg: Basic weight gainer with some added cell volumizing nutrients

Protein Powders

WPC Whey Protein Concentrate  750g

ProMax: Whey and wheat protein concentrate  750g

Amino Acids

Ultra Amino: Amino caps from whey protein source.  120 and 330 caps

Amino136: Mixture of egg white and potato protein. These sources complement each other's amino profile yielding an unbelievable Biological Value of 136. HMB added. 120 and 330 caps

GLM: Glutamine is a conditionally essential amino acid that makes up 60% of the muscle cell free amino acid pool. Training induced stress is the condition when you need more. Anti-catabolic, boosts your immune system and GH levels. 180 g

Tyrosine: Neurotransmitter booster. 500mg/caps, 100 caps/bottle.

Anabolic, Anti-Catabolic Nutrients

ALC: Acetyl L-Carnitine passes the blood/brain barrier and raises acetylcholine and dopamine levels. It blocks the stress induced testosterone drop and cortisol spike especially after training. 60 caps

HMB Caps: Anti-catabolic, anabolic agent. 90 and 180 caps.

HMB Ultra: Same as above but in powder form. A 5 g serving yields 1 gram HMB. 180 and 450 g.

Fat Burners

HCA: Hydroxy Citric Acid. Extract of the fruit Garcinia Cambogia. By blocking an enzyme it directs excess calories from being deposited as fat, instead muscle and liver glycogene stores will be saturated. The highest purity and potency Garcinia Cambogia that yields 68% HCA!        100 caps

CLA: Conjugated Linoleic Acid. Helps with fat metabolism. 60 caps

Mass Shop - Bodybuilding and Fitness                                                                                    

Centrum Department Store Passage

Pécs, Bajcsy Zs. u. 4.

Open: Mon-Fri 10.00-17.00, Sat 10.00-13.00, Sun closed.

For more information call: (06-20) 98-21-398 Cell phone