Nursing Caries     

Early childhood caries, or baby bottle caries, a type of rampant and destructive tooth decay that I can't blame your child for.

This scenario may takes place daily because it makes every body happy at the end!!!!!

As a pediatric dentist, I can't regard this as a happy ending. This is a recipe to destroy your baby's teeth.















Eventhough, I do earn my living treating nursing caries, here's how you can

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avoid it :-)





The same child after treatment. Thanks to recent advances in the art of adhesive dentistry, I can repair those teeth to nearly back to normal and natural look and function. It takes about two hours to reconstruct a full child's mouth under general anesthesia. 

This is a typical clinical picture of baby bottle caries. The upper front teeth are nearly destroyed while the lower ones are nearly intact. This is due to the position of the tongue during nursing that covers the lower teeth preventing milk from affecting lower front teeth.