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AAA御聖堂 的 昭銘 和 怡潔 AAA

Matthew Lee's Home Page


新竹市民生路225號, TEL:886-3-5355811(TAIWAN).
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I'm a doctor,internal medicine & hepatology.
It's my great honor!! Stop by and visit my page! I had been worked at Provincial Hsin-Chu hospital for 6 years in Taiwan since 1990.(署立新竹醫院) Now I have my own clinic. My colleagues in the endoscopic unit and Sono-room,they are all beautiful, skilled and well training ladies in their fields.I'll set page with GI section and Hepatologic section. Some papers publiched and unpublished will be showed in this page.

My interests are:
Digestive medicine, Hepatitis, Peptic ulcer and Therapeutic Endoscopy.

IF you are a carrier of hepatitis B or hepatitis C, you should follow your liver function tests at least 2-3 months interval and sonography every half year regularly.

如果你是慢性B,C 肝炎, 應該定期追蹤檢查肝功能指數, 約2-3月一次, 超音波檢查6個月壹次, 最理想.
臺灣現有接近四佰萬慢性 B,C 肝炎之病患, 其中是C肝炎有干擾素可治癒佔1/4.
B 肝炎則有抗病毒藥物可避免持續肝炎, 造成肝硬化, 引起肝癌. 所以不要怕檢查, 雖然 B 肝炎至今尚未有可治癒之藥, 但抗病毒藥物都可有效抑制肝炎病毒, 減少肝臟傷害, 延緩肝硬化, 間接減少因肝硬化所變性產生之肝癌 .
尤其有家族性 B, C 肝炎者, 更加應該注意定期之追蹤檢查, 不可輕忽.
NEW !!
HOT !! HOT !! 2006, FDA 通過 Telbivudine< Tyzeka, Sebivo> 新藥上市. B 肝炎患者另一福音!! 干適能(Hepsera)已上市, 專治突變性 B 肝炎, 是拉美定之外的另一選擇.但是有腎臟功能異常之慮,不宜冒然服用, 應由專科醫師評估給藥.

貝樂克(entecavir)喜必福 健保可用.

 拉美定(Lamivudin)--干安能 急性發作每日一粒, DNA copies(病毒量)高,治療 GOT, GPT 回到正常,但仍以急性復發之B型肝炎與 B 肝 e 抗原陽性反應為主要治療標的, 而且有些易致抗藥性宜謹慎, 不應自行服用, 應該由醫師來評估才宜服用.

健保可以使用, 但是有條件限制, e 抗原持續三個月陽性反應, 方能符合而且每家醫院有名額限制.並且肝切片有核心抗原.( 臺灣消化醫學界共識 2008), 原則上肝功能正常, 暫不宜服用. 肝功能異常2倍連續一月以上, 或是肝功能5倍以上者或DNA copies病毒量高(100000), 應該考慮服用干安能,貝樂克,or喜必福, 至於界限在3倍--5倍之間亦或應該考慮. B肝藥物計有 Lamivudine(干安能),Adefovir(干適能),Entecavir(貝樂克),clevudine,Telbivudine,Tenofovir等等四種台灣已上市,有干安能,貝樂克,喜必福 健保可用, 干適能建保條件較嚴格,用於第二線.

The description of my page are:

Medicine保肝守則(肝炎完全預防) 肝炎病例討論 及 注意事項
AGE AND HBV(肝炎)(AGE,Acute Gastroenteritis (急性胃腸炎), HBV,HCV and WCIM,2006
2006WCIM 世界內科醫學會之海報 Chronic Viral hepatitis needs monitor.

Bird Watching amd Nature viewing,台北野鳥學會(
and Travel.
They are grandpa and grandchildren. We are family.

這是魔幻電視-3D Cube, 淑儀和阿富的仔仔, 狄佳啦!! ---Please wait loading ! ) 肝膽腸胃科李文華醫師 Highway介紹ㄛ. My Favorite Web Sites E-mail me SIGN MY GUESTBOOK BELOW!!.
Please come back soon.< 有營再閣來啦 !! >
This page has been setup since 14th Mar.1997 and updated at 25th Oct.2008.
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