The work goes on, the cause endures,
The hope still lives, and the dreams shall never die.
I just received this really nice poem in an email. Thanks Donna!
These Hands
These hands that the I have been given
They look like normal hands to the naked eye
These hands that I have been given
Have learned to touch and save lives
These hands that I have been given
Ease your worries in time of need
These hands that I have been given
They bind your wounds
These hands I have been given
Mend your soul
These hands I have been given
Hold your hands to ease the pain
These hands that I have been given
Pray for strength to help you through
These Hands that I have been given
Hold your children to calm their cries
These hands that I have been given
Hold my heart that for all to see
These hands that I have been given
That your life really matters to me
These hands that I have been given
Work best as an EMT
These Hands that I have been given
Work best when they are driven
These hands that I have been given
Tense as they drive to the call
These hands that I have been given
Hope that I arrive in time to truly help you
These hands that I have been given
Are here to help whenever you may need them
These hands that I have been given
Never tire when helping someone
These hands that I have been given
Created by God to save lives
These hands that I have been given
Shared freely with one and all
These hands that I have been given
Til the end of my days or the last call
These hands that I have been given
Will share their love and answer every call
These hands that I have been given
For you they are given
Donna Fagan NREMT-P Nov. 02. 2001
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