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The Sun-Ya-Chi System

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The Sun-Ya-Chi system provides a description of the human psyche.
The base symbol Sun-Ya-Chi is a description of the evolution
of the Universe.

The three primary forces, Consciousness, Existence and Reality were generated from an initial thought. This thought "The Thought of God", or "Creation",
split the Universe into two parts: Subject and Object.
The Subject is Reality and perceives the Object (Existence) by the means of Consciousness.
This process happens every time we think. The Universe is therefore
continually being reinvented by our own thoughts.
These three forces, that describe the process of perception, relate to
different levels of our being. Consciousness relates to our MIND, as it
is the centre of our world, the ego. Reality relates to the BODY, as it
represents that which is solid, the objective observer. Existence relates
to the SPIRIT, as it is the potential force. It is the force of growth and creativity

The Sun-Ya-Chi symbol then splits into two further parts: the Yin aspect that represents
the body and the Yang aspect that represents the mind.

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Yin and Yang

These three symbols represent the three forces, Consciousness, Existence and Reality.
From here, each of these symbols splits again into two further parts each. The first part
represents the Right Brain functions: Emotion and Intuition. The second
part represents the Left Brain functions: Mathematical, Intellectual and Rational.

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Emotional and Rational

There are therefore Nine Variations of Sun-Ya-Chi. Three for each force: Consciousness, Existence and Reality.

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These nine symbols all have particular energies and are associated with a particular Chakras
A chakra is a nexus of energy that integrates our mind, body and spirit. Each symbol
not only has a chakra, but also a particular metaphysical element. These elements
are based on the classical elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. As we ascend
the chakras, the elements also vibrate at a higher rate. This is reflected by the colour
of the chakra.

This System therefor brings together the
metaphysical concepts of chakras and elements, the psychological aspects of
left and right brain and the popular concept of Body, Mind and spirit. It also integrates
Maslow's hierarchy of needs and explains many facets of human behaviour- be they be
perceived as animal, human or divine.

The Sun-Ya-Chi system can be used as a means of balancing the chakras and therefore
balancing the elements of our psycho-physical existence. Most systems are restricted
to only one level of development, e.g. Spiritual or Mind. So we have Monks and Soldiers,
Scientists, Artists and Philosophers. Every one is developing an unbalanced system. To
become balanced one must develop all attributes. It is usual to start with the primitive
needs, such as food and safety, and then work up to intellectual and spiritual levels- thus
working through the chakras. This was recognised by Maslow in his hierarchy of needs.

The primitive physical needs must be addressed before the higher needs.
When we develop our higher needs we tend to view our primitive needs with distaste.
This is evident with attitudes towards sex and sensuality. Many people disown these levels
developing a puritanical outlook and viewing sex and money as 'evil'. They are primary
needs just as are food, air and shelter. We need to embrace all levels and not neglect
that which we have developed. A tree needs to develop and maintain good roots
to grow a trunk and branches. It does not then discard its roots, it maintains them.
We must maintain that which we have already developed and work with a strong base.
The energies are different, they differ in frequency, but there is no "higher" or "lower" in a
moralistic sense. Just as the highest tower needs solid foundations, even the most
spiritual person has physical needs. Neglecting these needs will lead to an unbalanced
position and the force of growth may be cut off

In addition to the Sun-Ya-Chi system, there is the Ma-Syn-Chi system. Ma-Syn-Chi means MAnifestation of SYNergised CHI. It relates to the process by which the three forces combine to form an infinite variety of patterns, or masynchi. This process happens at the level of the masynchi continuum, which is beyond time, space and dimensions. There are three main Ma-Syn-Chi symbols. One for each force: Reality, Consciousness and Existence.

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There are twelve chakras. The first is the chakra of the Earth which is universal and represents the physical elements. The next nine are contained in the human energy field. They are split into Reality , Consciousness, and Existence. The reality level relates to physical needs, the consciousness level to the mind and the existence level to spiritual needs. The final chakra in the human energy field, Sun-Ya-Chi, relates to the crown chakra and the integration and balancing of the other chakras. Then there are two higher chakras that form part of your Higher Being. They relate to the Higher Self (Cosmic Sun-Ya-Ma-Syn-Chi) and the Universal Mind (Existence Masynchi).

Earth | Reality |Consciousness |Existence |Higher Being |

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