1. HIT Digest, digest #78
by: Kevin Dye <kevind@picknowl.com.au>
2. Rotator Cuff Injury
by: n_wagener <n_wagener@wpusd.k12.ca.us>
3. POF
by: Jon Ziegler <Rutger1@JPS.NET>
4. RE: HIT Digest, digest #79
by: Gendron, Steven <gendrste@Berkeleyprep.org>
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Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 00:32:28 +1030
From: "Kevin Dye" <kevind@picknowl.com.au>
Subject: HIT Digest, digest #78
I disagree with the fact that Mentzer relies upon the his client's results for proof of his system. Lately, I have been privileged to 'converse' with one of his 285 [drug-free pound clients], who trains every 8-9 days for 2 sets/exercises, & is still growing!!! When comparing the weights we used, we weren't that far apart, so rational prevailing, I too should be on something similar.
Most trainees fail to realise the workout is only the START of the muscle building process, rest & recuperation actually DELIVERS the results. The more you short change recuperation time, the more you hamper the growth mechanism. All steroid free trainees should realise that we all need a lot longer to recuperate than the druggies. When soreness ceases, there still is time frame for the growth process to complete its job.
I am on a two week layoff, despite being a high intensity/HD trainee, so that my body is more responsive when I resume on a reduced exercise & frequency routine [Consolidation style]. If the weights steadily increase, as they should, then how can I not grow bigger? It stands to reason. If not, I will have to regulate the volume & frequency until results are forth coming. Weight training, when compared to numerous other sciences, is not THAT hard. All it requires is common sense!
Kevin Dye [kevind@picknowl.com.au]
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Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 20:15:16 -0800
From: n_wagener <n_wagener@wpusd.k12.ca.us>
Subject: Rotator Cuff Injury
I am experiencing Rotator Cuff injury problems that prevent me from making any gains in certain lifts. Are there any specific exercises that will help.I would rather go after the problem and try and fix it. I have read in past issues that what likely has happened is that with increased weight and building of other muscles, the Rotator Cuff cannot handle the pressure and get injured. How can I build or protect or heal without totally laying off?
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Date: Sat, 10 Jan 1998 22:39:48 -0800
From: Jon Ziegler <Rutger1@JPS.NET>
Subject: POF
I was wondering if there are any hitters out there who have tried POF,
and if you have how did it work? And as a follow-up question is POF
considered HIT, a variation of HIT, or a volume program? Steve Holman
states that Mike Mentzer has influenced him, and POF does resemble HD in
some ways.
Jon Ziegler
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Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 12:04:06 -0500
From: "Gendron, Steven" <gendrste@Berkeleyprep.org>
Subject: RE: HIT Digest, digest #79
HMMMM, i need a big tim baseball work out routine, help me out boyz