Current diagnostic methods are such that an average Crohn’s patient suffers symptoms for couple of years before the right diagnosis is made, while also withstanding "it's all in your head" attitude from both doctors and family / friends.

If standard treatments for this disease were even fairly enough to control it, I might have not done all this research on my own. Reality looks much grimmer - relapse rates are high, need for surgery that just leads to more surgery, a lot of suffering and risks associated with treatment side effects.

And above all, the cause of Crohn's disease is still unknown, so all treatments are just symptomatic and don't lead to being cured.

It seams that there is a lot of research to be done in order to:

I urge you to first visit other people's Crohn related pages, some of them in my favorite links. I have learned quite a lot from them, but I'll try to overlap information as least as possible and I'll post here only additions to widely accepted understanding and treatment of the disease. The information here is from medical papers in established journals and accredited institutions, and should be viewed as a seed of the new knowledge that is going to change our understanding and treatment of Crohn's in the years to come.

Go back to the front page.