I hope to find you in good health and to ask you for a few minutes of your time for a common cause.
I am an independent Crohn's disease researcher whose partial findings can be read at
http://geocities.datacellar.net/HotSprings/Spa/7959/ My goal is to find out as much as possible and
share the knowledge with the rest of you and the health community about this unfortunate disease.
This survey is for more recently diagnosed (less than 5 years ago) patients since it asks you to go
back in time prior to the onset of Crohn's symptoms and recall details of your dietary habits. It is
restricted for now to U.S. patients since I just have data to compare to for this country. I plan to
publish the results in a medical journal and on the Internet, while your participation may be totally
anonymous. Your participation is very important since results have more meaning if they are derived
from larger number of replies. After this lengthy intro, here are the questions: