(Compulsive Hair Pulling)

Trichotillomania, pronounced "tree-co-tee-lo-main-eea", affects millions of people in the United States. It is estimated that about %4 of the population suffers from trichotillomania, a majority of them women. Trichotillomania, often referred to simply as "trich", is a hidden epidemic and only recently coming out of the closet. Trich is a devastating disorder, causing severe psychological and emotional trauma. People affected with trich are ashamed of it and go to great lengths to cover and hide their problem. Trichotillomania is not well understood and there are not any real effective treatments for it either.

So that is what this web site will be all about. I will try my best to make this web site comprehensive and up-to-date. I hope this web site will help all the people, including myself, who suffer from trichotillomania.

In the meantime, visit Amanda's web site ...this is the best trich site I have seen.

Email me at trichotil@geocities.com if you have any questions or you just want to talk. Bruce :)

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