Revised May 11, 2004
I am trying to keep from making substantial changes in the contents of the other pages at this web site. That is so that visitors do not have to wonder whether pages have substantially changed or not from their last visit. Therefore, I am putting things that I wish to change or add to this web site in this changes.html page. When I do make changes to the other pages in this web site, I put those changes in the Revision History below.
The changes of most interest are indicated in CAPITALS or italics or BOTH.
Changes.html "Changes and Addendums" New Page added 4/21/98 -- This is the page you are looking at now. To notify you of any changes that have occurred to the pages on this web site since the last time you may have visited here or printed some pages.
Index.html Revision 5/22/98 (1) Explanation of what this web site is primarily about. This also explains that "card therapy" is not complicated -- just write things down that help you sooth the cravings. (2) ADDED WWW.QUITNET.ORG -- it has a very active bulletin board and chat room. (3) Added the NoSmoke Cafe (4) I dropped the PlanetAll group due to prolonged inactivity (5) Removed the web sites section and incorporated that in a NEW "RESEARCHING QUITTING SMOKING AND TOBACCO ISSUES" section. To that section I also added links to the AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY, AMERICAN LUNG ASSN, and AMERICAN HEART ASSN web sites (6) Added a little more information on the AOL Addiction and Recovery forum, Nicotine Addiction section (7) Added two new AOL chatrooms, Skyroom and Clean Air Cafe
Cards.html Revision 5/22/98 (1) An explanation that "card therapy" is simple -- just write down anything that helps you sooth the cravings. No books to read. No RET theory to understand.
Index.html page 6/6/98 split into the following 3 pages: (1) index.html having only the links to other pages and the "Introduction To This Web Site" section (2) groups.html: this has the links to the Internet quit - smoking discussion groups (3) research.html: this has the links to web sites such as the American Cancer Society and many others where one can do research.
The reason index.html was split is that Geocities imposes a 30 Kbyte or 32 Kbyte limitation on page size (not including graphics).
The index.html table of links to other pages was expanded to accomodate the new pages that were created, and also to special pages not of general interest, such as the Twin Cities Nicotine Anonymous page. A link TO WHERE ONE CAN GET QUIT-METERS was added.
Groups.html New page added 6/6/98 -- This is the Internet Quit - Smoking discussion groups that used to be part of index.html. In addition (1) We made the information much prettier and much easier to read by putting it in tables. (2) Added a short quick links table to Internet discussion groups on top (2) We added more explanation of newsgroups, including a mention of newsreaders and Deja News. (3) We also added brief general explanations of what are email mailing lists and what are web-based bulletin boards. (4) ADDED NEW SECTION ON SPECIAL CHAT PROGRAMS LIKE IRC and ICQ. (5) ADDED ANOTHER EMAIL MAILING LIST (the Tobacco Email Mailing List)
Research.html New page added 6/6/98 -- (1) This is the "Research" section that was in the index.html page, which had links to web sites such as the American Cancer Society and many other web sites where one can do research. (2) In addition we ADDED A "PLACES TO POST MEDICAL QUESTIONS" section regarding where you can post a question that a real doctor will answer. This section also has a little information on posting questions on the newsgroup and using DejaNews. (3) Also the "Substance Abuse Self-Help or Support Group Programs" section was moved from index.html to research.html.
Chatguru.html New page added 6/6/98 -- This page is entirely new information. It has an explanation of (1) web-based chat rooms and (2) SPECIAL CHAT PROGRAMS LIKE IRC, mIRC, and ICQ. I don't know much about these programs, but it is some beginner information about what these programs are in general and why one would want to use them.
Almost all pages were improved in appearance 6/6/98 -- and the pages were more standardized in appearance: (1) Some titles changed (2) Added the file name in parentheses in each title to reduce confusion (3) Links to other pages on this web site have been removed from all pages (except the index page). They have been replaced by a single link to the index page at the top and bottom of each page. This is to greatly reduce clutter and maintenance. (4) The Geoguide banner ad was moved from the top to the bottom of the page. This is because it was confusing and distracting some people. I also placed a disclaimer to the left of each banner ad. Note that these banner ads are what keep the web site free. When placed at the bottom of the page and with a disclaimer placed to the left, they are very unobtrusive and unconfusing, and much much better than the very annoying "pop-up ads" that many people who have Geocities pages opt to use. (5) All pages have counters.
Cards.html replaced by CardsA.html and CardsB.html, 12/18/98. The reason for the split is that I added a little more discussion on how most of the cards are more than a reasons - to - quit list. This caused the size of the file to exceed Geocities' maximum .html file size. The split is beneficial in that in one file, cardsB.html, are the actual quit-smoking cards I carried around with me (the "main quit smoking cards" and the "reasons to quit list"). Whereas cardsA.html is discussion of why the cards are valuable, suggestions for making your own cards, etc. and also the "smoking essay" -- material that I did not carry around with me.
More discussion on how most of the cards are more than a reasons - to - quit list -- 12/18/98, Index.html and CardsA.html pages.
Quit Meters (both Silkquit and several others) Location Changed -- 12/18/98, Index.html page. The location changed from to
The No Smoke Mailing List has changed to the SmokeFree Mailing List -- 12/18/98, Groups.html page. How to subscribe has also changed.
All references to have changed to -- 12/18/98, Index.html, Groups.html, Chatguru.html pages. Either will work, but is the shorter and simpler name to remember. As an aside, there are several thousand good forums at And the message board software is the best I have seen anywhere, e.g. each board is divided into up to 16 subject areas, and each subject area can have several threads. Each page displays an entire thread (up to 20 messages at a time), unlike most other message boards which display only 1 message per page.
Email Pen Pal Program (Nicotine Anonymous), new contact email address -- 12/18/98, groups.html page. The old contact name was Zulma at The new contact email address is
AOL Saturday night online meeting (chat) -- 12/18/98 groups.html page, hosted by Nicotine Anonymous - the time has changed from Saturday 9:30pm to Saturday 9:00pm eastern U.S. time. A link for AOL members is also provided. The information email address has changed to
Blair's chat room, message board, and other resources -- new URL -- 12/18/98, groups.html page. Blair's web site can now be accessed at
Added a meta-list of recovery programs -- 12/28/98, index.html, groups.html, research.html pages. The groups are both 12 step and non-12-step. At
Twin Cities Nicotine Anonymous web page changed to an unofficial Twin Cities Nicotine Anonymous web page and reworked. -- 12/28/98, tcnica.html. The Twin Cities Nicotine Addiction message board section is also mentioned.
A "JUST ONE THINKING" SECTION ADDED WITH SOME EXAMPLES FROM THE ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS BOOK -- 12/18/98, mental.html These examples are instructively very similar to the weak rationalizations many ex-smokers use when deciding to try smoking one or a few sickarettes
Split the Discussion Groups page (groups.html) into two pages - groupsa.html and groupsb.html -- 2/11/99. Also put a new "Group Type Index" at top of both pages. Deleted groups.html.
NEW AND ACTIVE CHATROOM ADDED, The Mining Co Quit Smoking Chatroom at
Added -- a web site where you can ask doctors medical questions, including about addiction to nicotine -- 2/11/99, research.html
New articles.html page created 2/11/99
SMOKER'S FACE ARTICLE ADDED -- VERY COMPELLING, at articles.html, 2/11/99. Besides wrinkles and skin blotches, many other skin problems that are aggravated by smoking. And various forms of cancer too.
Blair's chatroom has moved to groupsa.html, 2/11/99.
The's Stop Smoking message board (my favorite) has moved to Then click on the "Stop Smoking Forum" link. -- groupsa.html, 2/11/99.
FreedomFT small mailing list added at -- groupsb.html, 2/11/99. Subscribe by clicking on the link.
New Pages Added -- 4/25/99 :
Added cardsc.html, "Additional Sayings, Slogans, and Reasons To Quit". This page has a lot of short sayings that I've often heard on quit-smoking message boards.Added nicagroups.html, "Online Support Groups Operated By Nicotine Anonymous Members" with 12 groups.
Index.html changes -- 4/25/99:
Guestbook added
Links to new pages cardsC.html and nicagroups.html added
Mentioned new article "Health Benefits Of Stopping Smoking"
Changes.html -- 4/25/99:
I moved "Some More Reasons To Quit Smoking" and "Some More Thoughts To Help Stay Quit" to cardsC.html
groupsa.html changes -- 4/25/99:
Added 12 step message board at
Added ICQ Interest Group - Nicotine Anonymous
Added The Mining Co. Quit Smoking message board at
Newsgroups: Described as an alternative to dejanews.
groupsb.html changes -- 4/25/99:
Added Spanish, French, and Portuguese email mailing lists.
tcnica.html (Twin Cities Nicotine Anonymous) changes -- 4/25/99:
The Tues 7pm Maplewood meeting has moved to White Bear Lake
research.html changes -- 4/25/99:
Added An "Ask A Doctor web site" and mentioned that this is a good "How To Quit Smoking" answer from a doctor:
articles.html changes -- 4/25/99:
Added "Health Benefits Of Stopping Smoking" (what happens in 20 minutes, 8 hours, 1 day, etc. after your last cigarette).
All pages with tables -- 4/25/99:
Made the tables so that one can copy and paste into a text or Word etc. file, and so that cells are separated from each other. (Before, each cell would run into the next cell). This I did by adding a paragraph marker at the beginning of each cell.
nicagroups.html changes -- 6/9/99:
Added a German - language Nicotine Anonymous email mailing list
cardsc.html changes -- 6/9/99:
Added a section: Some Unpleasant Memories Of Smoking (from the Just4U Stop Smoking Support Group bulletin board) - an accumulation of 44 unpleasant memories from several Just4U members.
nicagroups.html changes -- 6/26/99:
- Removed AOL Skyroom and Clean Air Cafe
- Put a note that FreedomFT has administrative problems, so for now, just consider this an example of an "open" Egroup.
groupsa.html changes -- 7/3/99:
- The Mining Co chatroom and message boards are now the chatroom and message board. I updated the URLs
- Added Blair's new message board
- Changed the descriptions of several of the message boards and chatrooms. (Many have had much-improved software installed). Also, many that were formerly low volume are high volume. And the most active chatrooms clearly indicated (Quitnet and
groupsb.html changes -- 7/3/99:
- Added German Language Mailing List (NicA)
- French, Spanish, Portuguese NicA-oriented mailing lists: improved the email addresses and used native language descriptions
research.html changes -- 7/3/99:
- Added web site -- has information links to about 20 quit-smoking subject areas, e.g. Acupuncture, nicotine gum. Each subject area has links to about 12 sites that explain these topics well.
nicagroups.html (Nicotine Anonymous groups) changes -- 8/8/99 and 8/15/99:
- Removed the FreedomFT (Freedom From Smoking) Mailing List due to inactivity and administration problems
- Added The "Unofficial Nicotine Anonymous" Yahoo Club with message board AND CHAT, and chat schedule at
- Added a little more on web-based newsreaders such as,,
- Marked Nicotine Anonymous World Service Office - sanctioned groups as "NAWSO approved"
- French, Spanish, Portuguese NicA-oriented mailing lists: improved the email addresses and used native language descriptions
groupsa.html changes -- 8/15/99:
- Added The "Unofficial Nicotine Anonymous" Yahoo Club with message board AND CHAT, and chat schedule at
- Removed the FreedomFT mailing list due to inactivity
tcnica.html (Twin Cities Nicotine Anonymous) changes - 1/15/2000:
- Added the link to the Minnesota Help Page. Some Minnesota web page directories of organizations for those dealing with addictions, coping with difficult situations, mental health issues, etc. 12-step and non-12-step groups. Also, United Way's First Call For Help".
groupsb.html and nicagroups.html (NicA - member - run groups) changes 1/16/2000:
- (minor) Changed the addresses of the French, Portuguese, and Spanish NicA-oriented mailing lists to:
- - French: franican-owner@egroups.comm
- - Portuguese :
- - Spanish:
nicagroups.html (NicA - member - run groups) changes 1/16/2000:
- Marked the unofficialnicanon chatrooms as "NAWSO - approved" meaning, approved - for - listing at the web site. Also changed the contact email address to
Several pages changes 11/20/2000:
- Deleted the Nicaddicts message board at Delphi
groupsa.html changes 11/20/2000:
- the General Discussion Area Of The Stop Smoking Forum has moved from to
- No Smoke Cafe Bulletin Board and chatroom - has moved from to
- Blair’s message boards -- has moved from to
- Blair’s chatroom is now at:
- Blair's Butt Free Bulletin Board Buddies (dealing with weight problems) is now at
- Removed the AOL Saturday night Nicotine Anonymous chat.
- Removed the 12 Step message board for nicotine addicts at
- Added newsgroup
- Added Blairs’ quitsmoking egroups mailing list
- Added a mention of the Cognitive quitting message board and mailing list at
Also, added a mention of web site- Removed the NicAddicts message board at Delphi.
groupsb.html changes 11/20/2000:
- Compuserve’s Recovery forum -- and its Nicotine Addiction section -- is now available to all (formerly it was restricted to Compuserve members)
- Deleted the freedomft mailing list
nicagroups.html changes 11/20/2000:
- Removed the AOL Saturday night Nicotine Anonymous chat.
- Removed the 12 Step message board for nicotine addicts at
- Compuserve’s Recovery forum -- and its Nicotine Addiction section -- is now available to all (formerly it was restricted to Compuserve members)
articles.html, articlesa.html, articlesb.html changes 11/20/2000:
- Split the articles.html page into articlesa.html and articlesb.html. And deleted articles.html
- Added the article: “A growing array of medications” to articlesa.html
- Added the article: “Just this once” to articlesa.html
- Added the article: “41 Tips To Gaining Freedom From Nicotine” to articlesb.html
research.html changes 11/20/2000:
- Added an “Answers To Common Questions” section with one question and answer: “How long does nicotine stay in the system?”
cardsc.html changes 7/21/2003:
- Added "Junkie Thinking And Good Responses"
- Added "60 Reasons For Not Smoking"
articlesA.html changes 7/21/2003:
- Added "Study Shows Why Smokers Age Before Their Time, The Lancet"
groupsA.html and groupsB.html changes 8/23/2003:
- Updated some bad URLs, particularly (now and Delphi Forums (was, now and forums (now ). All links checked on both pages.
articlesb.html and corresponding changes to index.html April 1, 2004:
- Added article, "Can You Hide Smoking From Life Insurance Companies?" which includes the information that nicotine and its breakdown products is detectable for only 72 hours (above second-hand exposure levels).
groupsa.html changes May 11, 2004:
- Changed the SouthBeachFriends Message Board (Formerly to SmokeBusters. (It moved, the SouthBeachFriends and ones are gone.).
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