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Tissue Necrosis and the Australian spider bite - illustrated is the Australian Redback

Medical research now indicates the following probability:

In addition to the injection of a tissue dissolving enzyme during the bite process the following three spiders are known to have the probability of the presence of a common outdoor bacteria on the fang. The mix of the spider enzyme and the bacteria can result in the victim developing necrosis of the tissue - a hideeous disfiguring ulceration that can develop in random areas of the body, not just the bite site.There is no known positive treatment or cure. This infection was previously thought to be produced only by a Whitetail bite. It should be noted that in many cases the bacteria is absent and the resulting bite is painful but unlikely to cause necrosis. The Funnelweb bite is the more life threatening of the three. The Australian Redback while not known to cause necrosis is regarded as a serious bite that could be life threatening. the treatment for Redback bite is unique in that ice packs only are applied to the bite site - no pressure bandage as with bites from other spiders.

The Funnelweb

The Common Houseblack

The Whitetail

Standard Australian treatment for spider bite is the same as snakebite - pressure immobilisation bandaging of the bitten limb and immediate medical referral.

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