Emotional Healing

Our emotions are so delicate and ephemeral that they are sometimes difficult to isolate.  Many emotions supersede one another so quickly that the basic pattern may easily be obscured.  So how do we heal what we can hardly catch? One of my favorite non-physical teachers recommends working with emotions as a kind of play.  He calls it the Emotions game and suggests working with one emotion daily. Sit in front of a mirror so that you will have the visual re-enforcement.   When you are ready - really go into the selected emotion.  Hold it for about 5 minutes really getting into the full spirit of the game.  Regular practice will help you to more easily identify the fast-moving emotions and what you can identify you can heal.  As a suggestion begin with the big problems, the emotions of worry and fear. Each day you can choose one or two emotions to fully experience and repeat the game with the daily emotions as often as you like. Soon you will be able to identify those now less elusive feelings.  Remember what you can identify -- you can heal.

There are many forms of emotional release work being done in this country today. They range from massage and bodywork to psychological counseling or counseling with Energy and Energy Work sessions themselves.  Therapy and encounters for the group energy were once the only techniques that we had.

I recommend as a good starter book the book Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.  Also her book Heal Your Body.  If you like you can search from our Bookstore connection to amazon.com   Ask me for a referral to a practitioner in your area to experience Personal Sessions with Reiki and Other Types of Energy.  Hands-on / Hands-off Healing Sessions can help to identify and clear patterns.  If you are in Southern California, Los Angeles, appointments are accepted locally. 
(310) 236-1705 message center or Mondays (818) 345-1100

email : LadyCatheann


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