flame.gif (2618 bytes)The Mississippi Nurses Association

Membership & Staff Information

Welcome! I think you'll find we have many resources available which will enable Mississippi RNs to provide better care to their patients by advocating high standards in nursing practice, highlighting nurses as providers of cost-effective care solutions and developing research and treatment measures which will ensure the professional and educational advancement of registered nurses. You may download a membership application below.

Top Ten Reasons to Join MNA:

1. Power and support in controlling professional practice environment 

• Professional Practice Committee 

• Workplace Advocacy grant 

• Nurses appointed to boards 

2. Special Interest Groups (SIGS) and Councils 

3. Pro-nursing legislation, pro-quality healthcare legislation 

•Third party reimbursement for all nurse practitioners 

•Scholarship money for RNs from Institutes of Higher Learning 

4. Networking opportunities 

5. Strong national support

6. Receive The American Journal of Nursing, The MS RN, and The American Nurse subscriptions and other professional publications 

7. Awards and recognition 

8. Low cost professional liability insurance 

9. Discount on continuing education offerings 

10. Discount on certification exams

The Mississippi Nurses Association is designed to meet the needs of all registered nurses, including staff nurses, nurse practitioners, nursing educators and nurse managers. MNA's primary goal is to care for Mississippi's registered nurses while you care for others. As America begins to restructure the health care system, it's more important than ever before to have a strong voice in the process. 

MNA Needs you and you need MNA!

Membership Application (This is a downloadable *.rtf file)

 If you are not able to download the Membership Application form, you can call the MNA office at (601) 898-0670 and request a copy of the Application form.

Our staff is always ready to help you in achieving these goals. Please contact us by phone 601-898-0670, fax 601-898-0190, or e-mail mna@netdoor.com if we can be of any assistance!

MNA Staff:

Betty R. Dickson, MNA Executive Director

Kay Wise, MNA Events Coordinator

Niall Cook, MNA Membership Coordinator

Dr. Kay Lewis-Abney, MNA Provider Unit Consultant

Jay Waits, MNA Approver Unit Consultant

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