Drinking tea may help fight cavities. A group of researchers from
the University of Illinois College of Dentistry believe that black
tea and its components benefit oral healh by interfering with the
harmful plaque bacteria in the mouth that cause gum disease and
cavities. They report their results at the 101st General Meeting of
the American Society for Microbiology in Orlando, Florida.
"In recent years, many symposia and publications have focused on
the health effects of green teas. Earlier studies by Japanese
scientists have suggested that consumption of green tea lead to
reduction of dental cavities in humans," says Dr. Christina Wu, the
principle investigator of the study. "However less attention has
been focused on black tea, the more popular drink in the Western
countries, and worldwide 80 percent of the tea consumed is black
Dr. Wu and her colleagues found that compounds in black tea were
capable of killing or suppressing growth and acid production of
cavity-causing bacteria in dental plaque. Black tea also affects the
bacterial enzyme glucosyltranferase which is responsible for
converting sugars into the sticky matrix material that plaque uses
to adhere to teeth. In addition, certain plaque bacteria, upon
exposure to black tea, lost their ability to form the clumpy
aggregates with other bacteria in plaque, thereby reducing the total
mass of the dental plaque.
One study conducted in Dr. Wu's lab found that when volunteers
rinsed with black tea for 30 seconds five times at 3-minute
intervals plaque bacteria stopped growing and producing acid, which
breaks down the teeth and causes cavities. This research supports an
earlier Swedish study that found rinsing the mouth with black tea
significantly reduced plaque build-up.
"It is our belief of these researchers that the intake of black
tea can be signficant to imporove oral health of the general
public," says Wu. "If sequenced properly between meals and normal
oral hygiene, a reduction in dental caries may be possible. Drinking
tea may have added oral health benefits by controlling through
'prevention' the most prevalent diseases of mankind, mainly caries
and periodontal disease."
SOURCE: American Society for Microbiology